LVI. Sweetharrrrrt

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Ava's POV:

The room went quiet as I granted Seth, my boyfriend, the nastiest glare I can muster up.

He stood there, blank as a board, eyes unable to meet mine." Sweetharrrrrt, can I talk to you?" I hissed lowly, attempting to lower the amount of killing intent while escalating the endearment. If people look closely, they can see that I'm digging my sharply filed nails into his palm.

Seth chuckled, a very anxious one, "W-Why, don't we sit down, baby?" He pulled a chair and gestured me to sit. "We can always talk later."

He smiled and shoved me on the empty chair. Seth sat beside me, holding the largest fake smile I've ever witnessed from another face that's not my own. Seth rests an elbow on the table. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Ava," I wave lightly.

"She happened to be Trevon's twin sister, who happened to also be here." He turns his head towards the couple, not too far from us. "Why are you two here? At my family gathering?"

There was painful silence cruising in the air until a throat was cleared by a man sitting beside Mina. "I met Hugo and Mina earlier in the market. Mina's boyfriend, Trevon, happened to be with them, so invited them to come," a woman piped in, and I realized how faintly familiar she looks. She held out a hand, "Whitney Carrillo." She smiled, "I'm this rebellious boy-" she pinched Seth's cheek lightly, "mother."

Seth motion away from Whitney. "Mom," he grumbled slowly.

One by one, she introduced me to all of the people around the table. I smiled, unable to remember any names, and frankly, I pray this is the last time we meet. I played with the white towel on my lap, avoiding Trevon's glares and Mina's curious gaze.

While I was ignoring them, I noticed a few things.

One, Whitney is too close to Hugo.

Two, Dario, Seth's dad, is too close to Hugo.

Three, why are Whitney and Dario each sitting next to Hugo instead of beside each other?

God, I hope it's not another affair.

This town has enough affairs to last the next year.

"Where's your mom?" I bluntly asked Mina, since I was bored. Who cares if I come off rude? I'm not going to pretend to be the ideal girlfriend for the guy who ignores and blackmails me.

That question, however, caught more than a few people's attention.

Mina smiled grimly, "My mom...left."

"Oh, did she leave early?" I asked, splattering oil into the fire without knowing it.

Hugo stopped talking with Whitney and Dario. "No." Mina tucks her lips over her teeth, "She...left my dad and me...last week."

"Oh." I had a hint of what happened, but I wonder. If I made Mina cry, would Seth force me to leave? "When will she come back from the business trip?" I am such an evil bitch.

Maybe, it's a waste for me to resign from the villain role.

Trevon places a hand over Mina. "Av," he hissed, before granting me a glare.

"What?" I pretended not to know what we were talking about. Surprisingly, Seth hasn't said anything and continued sipping on his water.

Mina inhaled a deep breath before locking eyes with me. "Mom...left us...permanently...because she-" Mina puffed her cheeks before exploding, "She is an absolute bitch!"

Woah...Now, this is where I step back and enjoy the show.

What can I say? Old habits are hard to break.

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