LIV. The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Ava's POV:

"What happened to Mr.Nocella?"

I wasn't surprised that Mr.Nocella didn't appear at school the following week. The rumors are too hot for him to have a peaceful class period.

"Mr.Nocella had taken a leave of absence."

The substitute teacher isn't as attractive or charismatic as our normal teacher.

A boy yawned and lay his head on the desk.

Which caused most students to lose interest in the subject taught.

After the principal introduced the substitute teacher and half-heartedly answered all the questions asked, probably for the hundredth time, the classroom settled down.

My phone buzzed.

On the surface that is.

Online, the topic was still hot.

My thumb scrolls up and down the screen, and no matter how many times I read the messages and comments, they don't seem to change. In fact, they only seem to get worse.

Seth: Need me to help you tie your cape, hero?

The nail taps against the glass and I glance up to see the substitute teacher on his phone. The movie was still playing, but no one was interested in it. Everyone was occupied by their dimmed screens. Some cover it up with books, while others had their head face down toward their crotch.

Seth: You want to change right?

No matter how much I rack my brain, I can't find the answer as to why Seth bothers me so much.

The message inside my phone feels heavy. The edges around my fingertips smooth around the edge of my phone.

The school year is almost over.

Then, one more to go.

One more year and the youthful experience will be over.

Then, it's time for the transition into adulthood.

"When are you never bothered?" Eli asked.

"When I'm sleeping."

Before I knew what happened, the school day had ended and it was time for the weekend. The days stretch longer, and the nights get shorter.

Eli sat behind me, his legs spread on both sides of my body. He wrapped his arms around my body and lay his head on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sleepy."

I didn't respond, but a light chuckle escaped my lips. When I looked up, I could see Eli's dazzling eyes. The longer I look into them, the harder it gets to breathe. My fingers brush through his hair, but before they could untangle any strand, Eli grasps my hand and rests it on his red cheek. He closes his eyes, and a soft smile appears.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"Why are you smiling?" he retorted.

There's a smile on my face? "I asked you first."

"I'm smiling because I'm happy. Your turn."

"I'm smiling because I look good when I smile."

My unashamed comment only got a wider smile from Eli, "Of course, you would say that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm saying, you're predictable."

"I am not predictable."

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