XXI. Travel the World with Me

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Ava's POV:

"Did something happen?" Mom asks.

I exhale deeply before my eyes cast towards the window again. All I could see was the grey sky and splattering rain.

Currently, I'm going with my mom to the hospital. She said it was only a general check-up, but I couldn't help but worry.

"Mom," I said. "What do I do if a friend is in a bad situation?"

"Depends on the situation." The more I look outside, the duller the world becomes. "Not a situation you can talk about, can you?"

I shook my head, "Not a situation where I have the right to talk."

Mom exhales softly, "That's a tough one."

I looked at her, "When you were in a tight spot, what did you want?"

"What I want?" Mom hums, "I guess at that time, I wanted everyone to leave me alone." She chuckles, "But at the same time, I wanted someone to comfort me."

"That's conflicting."

She nods, "Yeah." Mom exhales again, "You can tell," she said. "You can tell whether the person wants you to do something or only wants your shoulder."

"How can you tell?"

"Their behavior towards you."

"Gee, mom. Great advice. I totally understand."

Mom gave me a side glance before her eyes resumed to the road, "I know that's not the answer you're looking for, but I will be honest. I'm not God, sweetheart. I don't know the answer to everything."

I exhale softly, "I know, mom. It's just sometimes; it feels like it would be easier if someone would just give me the answer."

Mom extended her arm and gave me a side hug, "I feel the same way."

Shortly after, we arrived at the hospital. The rain didn't lighten up while we were inside.

"Mrs.Makee?" Nurse Yuliana called. We gathered our stuff and made our way through the large double door. I watch as mom did her basic check-up; weight, temperature, and all those good stuff.

"Mom, I'm going to the restroom," I said.

Mom smiles, "Alright." Nurse Yuliana was taking her blood pressure. She looks up at me and smiles.

I've been to the hospital often with mom, so I know nearly every single bathroom inside. Sometimes, I get bored and explore it. After I did my business inside the restroom, I made my way back to mom's room.

My legs halted when I saw a familiar person outside of the hospital's second-floor garden. I grabbed the handle and pushed the door only to realize that it requires a code.

How did he get out there?

I knocked against the glass window to get his attention, but he didn't respond.

His shoulders were slumped, and his eyes towards the woods. His mouth was set in a semi-pout as he kicked a pebble. He didn't move from the bench, not even when the rain poured towards his direction.

I watched as his face dropped towards his palms.

I knock against the glass again.

No response.

I circle towards the other side in hope that he may see me.

I knock.

No response.

My eyes shift from side to side in an attempt to find a better method to reach him. But, the more I search, the dimmer the situation becomes. And the longer I looked at him, the more compressed my chest got.

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