LXVII. Do Good Things

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Ava's POV:

Graduation is around the corner and everyone dives into early celebrations with summer plans and parties. Despite their presence at school, everyone's mind had already checked out. 

The people who barely knew Eli forgot what happened to him not too long ago. That's old news.

But, the people who do know him - really know him - didn't forget.

Eli got discharged from the hospital a few days ago, but he hasn't returned to school and from what I heard, probably won't.

In the hallway, on my way back to class from the bathroom, I stumbled into a box. It's probably my fault considering how I've also mentally checked out from school. "I'm so sorry." I kneel down to help pick up the items.

"It's alright." That voice.

I look up from the book to see a familiar smile, "Mr.Nocella."

I haven't seen or heard from him for weeks. After the rumors, Mr.Nocella went on a leave of absence and he told me he wouldn't need a babysitter for a while - through text message. My response to him was: "Okay" and after that, he went radio silence.

Mr.Nocella grabbed the book from my hand and placed it in the box.

"Cleaning up?" I helped him put away the rest of the stuff.

"Kind of."

Mr.Nocella picked up the box and together, we stood up. "Why are you packing up?" I asked. "The last day of school isn't until tomorrow."

Mr.Nocella exhales softly, "Unfortunately-"

"You didn't do anything wrong," I said. "Do you need-"

"Miss Makee," he laughs lightly, "If you think I got charged or fired, I didn't."

"Then, why?"

He bounce lightly on his shoes, "I resigned."

"You resigned?"

He nodded, "Mind if we walk and talk? The box is kind of heavy."


Together, we head down the hallway.

"You see-" he says, "staying at home really gave me some time to think."


"Just about everything. What happened? What I could do? The future. Etcetera. Etcetera."

Staying at home does force you to think about your life. 

"How's Miles and Zach?" I'm not afraid to admit it, I've grown fond of those boys.

"They're doing well."

"Miss me?"

Mr.Nocella lets out a sigh, "Let's say, they'll trade me for you in a heartbeat."

I flip my hair, "Can't blame the boys."

He gives me an unamused chuckle.

The walk down the hallway and into the exit feels different. Maybe, it's the lack of students and adults. The relief that, us being together, won't burst into something outrageous.

I've never noticed it, but Mr.Nocella and I never really walked together for this long. It's hard really. For a young pretty female student and an older handsome male teacher to be around each other without rumors.

I opened the front door and we went out. The warm wind brushes against my cheeks, "What are you going to do now?"

But, now it's different.

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