XLII. Body Language

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Ava's POV:

The corner of his lip twerks upward momentarily. "Exactly." He continued walking, "What exactly happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

Mr.Nocella exhaled, "You can only lie for so long."

"Before everyone assume what you say is complete bullshit." I complete his saying once more.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Read minds."

I smirk, "I don't read minds. I read the body." At that moment, I forgot our standings. I felt like I was back in my role, not as his student, rather a woman.

His lip tugged upward momentarily before it phases back to its original state. "Are you seducing me, Miss Makee?"

Perhaps, its old habits emerging, but I found myself closening the distance between us." Body language Mr.Nocella."

His face sparks red, and he cleared his throat, taking an appropriate step back. "I see. That's umm will be useful when you attempt to gain access in your respective career in the future."

I laughed and began rubbing my eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"I think... it's just the wind." I close my eyes multiple times to clear it. "Probably."

Mr.Nocella stepped closer to me, and I can feel his breath brushing against my cold cheeks as his eyes dripped into mine. "I can't see anything," he mumbled underneath his breath as he inches closer. The space between us wasn't particularly proper, and when he decided to take one step closer, I place a hand on his chest as a warning.

"Mr.Nocella, you're too close," I said, swallowing the lump inside my throat.

He didn't move. "Am I?"

I can feel the beating of his chest past his coat. It was much too loud, too rigorous.

"Ava! Mr.Nocella!" Mina chirped and practically skipped towards us. Instantly, Mr.Nocella steps to the side, creating a large gap between us. I hope no one we knew saw what happened.

"Daddy!" Miles and Zach screamed, rushing towards him. Instantly, he threw them over his shoulders and spun them in circles, causing both boys to burst out laughing.

"That's Mr.Nocella's kids?" Mina asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"They look so happy despite what they are going through." It seems that Mina had caught up on the gossips.


"What do you mean?"

I exhaled, and my gaze drifts towards Luke, who was still working on the cashier. "It's just you never know what people are going through."

"I'm sorry," Mina said.

I turn my head towards her feeling the cold wind brushing against my shoulders. "I heard about the things between Luke and you."

I exhaled, sick and tired of people grouping us, "Look-"

"Please, let me talk first," she said, and I stop speaking, waiting for the right moment to clarify. She strings her fingers together. "Being new in this town; it's hard. I don't know many people except for Seth. I made a few other friends-" she chuckles awkwardly, rubbing her hand against her forearm, "but I blew it."

Mina licks her dried lips, "They warned me that Luke was playing with me and-" the tears begin emerging, "how I'm not special. So, I got upset, and I blew it. My ignorance, in believing that a popular handsome guy can like a nobody like me, almost screwed me over. I almost lost Seth, and I don't want that to happen again."

I crossed my arms, hearing the voices around me; many different types. Some pitched and others profound. "Tell me, what do you want me to do with the information you just told me?" I asked, washing my hair back with my fingers, "What do you want? Pity?"

"I-I want you to give me a chance. To be friends."

"Why me, Kenzie?" I asked, "Why not someone else? If you haven't noticed, I'm not an easy person to be friends with, and frankly, I don't like you."

She blinks a few times, but her eyes never cast away from me. "Because you're honest." She lifts her shoulders slightly, "Unlike so many other people, who hide behind these masks; you have always been honest. When you want something, you go for it without circling around other people attempting not to step on toes. I admire that about you. Ever since the day I met you, I've always wanted to be your friend."

I sighed, facing the person in front of me. I can't deny the fact that I harbored discomfort, dislike, and disgust towards her; I also can't deny the notion that this girl is innocent. She isn't responsible for what happened, not yet.

In this new town, she is an outcast. With the news of being the victim of a bet, she will be pushed further outward. Label as the desperate fool despite being played.

"I can't say we are friends, but you can come to talk to me if you want."

Immediately, Mina's eyes brighten, and she smiles. Quickly, she nodded, "Okay...Av."

At that moment, I prayed that I didn't make a decision I will regret.

The first day of the Fall Festival passed, and so did the second. I manage to evade Luke the whole two days and kept my conversations with Mina at a low. Luke and Mina did not interact once.

It was Sunday and the last day. "Now, I know the three of you have been working hard as our representatives," Mr.Nocella said with a smile. "Why don't you three go enjoy the festival while the rest of the class run the booth."

"Are you sure Mr.Nocella? Are you sure you don't want us to s-" I was walking away before Mina can finish her sentence. "Wait! Av! Av!" she called for me, and I continued walking, lifting a peace sign in the air.

I am out.

I grabbed my phone and began scrolling through my messages to see who I want to hang out with. A bell ding caught my attention, and I look up to see Mary and Eli in front of me at one of the gaming booths.

I thrust an arm in the air and smiled, "He-" the words somehow jumbled inside my throat when I saw Mary and Eli slam into each other for embracement.

Cheerful screams and chattering wrestle its way in the air as Eli lifted Mary in the air. He spun her in circles, causing her to squeal in delight. The uncomfortable sensation inside my stomach only accelerates.

Quickly, I turned around and walked away.

Quickly, I turned around and walked away

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