XXVIII. Daddy Don't Do Disrespect

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Ava's POV:

"You're working with Luke and Landon for the Fall Festival?" Mary asked me.

I nodded, pushing the popcorn into my mouth. Right now, we are watching a movie at my house. I exhaled, "Whatever. I'll just do my part."

She nodded, "Well, at least Mr.Nocella is there," which doesn't make the situation any better. The man is on the verge of a breakdown because of his marriage.

Her phone ding, and she quickly grabbed it. I watched from the corner of my eyes as she giggled and replied to the message.

"What got you in such a happy mood?" I asked.

She tucks a strand of hair back, "It's nothing. Just Eli being Eli." There it is, that uncomfortable sensation once more.

"You guys are texting?"

She began playing with the phone, "Well, we kind of have to. We're our class representative for our booth at the Fall Festival."

"Oh. That's cool," I said, placing another piece of popcorn into my mouth. "So-" I began chewing, "just the two of you?"

"Yeah. No one was going to do it, so the teacher did a random drawing and picked both of us." She sighs, "I'm just glad it's someone I know, so working together wouldn't be so awkward."

I nodded, looking back at the screen, "That's good," I mumbled, hearing Mary's thumbs typing furiously on her cell phone screen.

I roll my phone on the side of my lap and click on the power button to see a blank screen.

We spent the evening together until Mary went home.

"Hey," Trevon said, entering the living room. "Mar left?"

I nodded, slumping my body further down as my feet rested comfortably on the couch, "That...she did."

He slumps down beside me, "What got you so down under?"

"Nothing. Just...relaxing."

"I heard you got stuck with Landon and Luke for the Fall Festivals."

"Yup." I smack my lip before glancing at him, "I heard Eli and Mar are your class representatives."

He scratches his head before pulling a leg upward, "Yeah. They got picked. Sucks to be them."

I ran my tongue across my cheek, "Why aren't you doing it with them?"

He scoffs, "And waste time preparing when I could be gaming?"

I tuck my lip over my teeth. "Well, isn't our teenage years all about hanging out with friends and making memories? You shouldn't hide in your room."

"Who is hiding in the room?" Mom and dad entered the living room.

"Ava told me I spend too much time in my room. Can you believe that?" Trevon threw an arm in the air.

"Well, son, you do," dad said, and mom nodded along.

"No. I do not," Trevon rebuttal.

"Yeah, he does," I said, feeling mom hand wack me on the ankles, telling me to remove my legs. I remove it and criss-cross them in front of me. "He wouldn't even help out Eli and Mar with the Fall Festivals."

"That's because they got chosen as the class representatives! Not me!"

Dad hummed slightly, causing his lip to thin. He settled himself down on the armchair across from us, and mom sat on one of the armchairs, resting her head against his arm. "You know, son."

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