XXXV. Zero Shits

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Ava's POV:


"As in?"

"As in, give Mina a chance."

"Why do you care so much about her?"

He nudges a brow, "Is that jealousy I sense?"

"Not in this lifetime."

"Then, I'll tuck it in for the next lifetime." He smiled, tucking his hand inside his front pocket. I held the urge to barf.

"Mina is a good friend of mine. Our parents are close, and they are...concerned that she isn't making enough friends at school. They-" he scratched his head, "think she is being bullied."

"Then, why don't you put on your cape and rescue her?" I poke his chest.

He held my finger, pulling me towards him. "Baby...Even superman tuck his cape away during his days off."

I stood there, staring up at Seth, who grinned widely. His gaze drops on my lip, and I step back. No way will that happen.

Seth clears his throat and steps back, understanding he is overstepping his boundaries with me. "Give her a chance, Ava. She may seem awkward on the outside, but she is nice." He walks backward, away from me. I exhale, rushing my fingers down my hair. "Oh, and Ava?" He said, and I looked back up, "Just to clarify things. I'm not into Mina that way."

"And zero shits are given," I said, brushing past him.

"Ouch!" He screamed, "That hurts more, then you know."

"Hope the pain kills you," I mumbled.

"I heard that!"

After cheer practice, which was a complete mess. The janitor decided to clean up the school gym by waxing it before practice is the smartest thing they can do.

I placed my hand on my head and continued limping with Winnie and Mary to the front of the school.

"I thought you had cheerleading practice," Trevon said.

"I don't want to talk about it," I responded, hearing a loud engine roaring. Turning our heads, all of our eyes widened when we saw a silver Lamborghini pulling towards the front of the school.

My jaw dropped as a leg stomp out of the car. "Ben?" Everyone screamed.

Ben still looked like Ben except he didn't wear his glasses and was in a suit for some odd reason. He looks good. I'd give him a six - passable, but still not my type.

Trevon and Eli walked towards him and gave him one of those bro shakes. "Your old man allows you to borrow the Lamborghini? He wouldn't even let you breathe in the same air as it!"

Eli wacks me on the arm. "Quick. Take a picture of us." He threw his phone at me. I held it in the air, still, shock that Ben drove to school with such a car. Eli leaped on the vehicle and began posing like an amateur model.

"Off! Off of the car!" Ben screamed, hitting Eli with his sunglasses. He scrubbed the spot where Eli sat with his sleeve.

"How did you convince your dad to give you the Lamborghini?" Trevon asks again, feeling the car with his palms.

Ben whacked his fingers, "He didn't give it to me, but he said; I can borrow it."

"Why?" Eli asked while I awkwardly held his cell phone, not knowing what to do with it.

"I told him I got a girlfriend." He rests an arm over Winnie's shoulder. I'm surprised Winnie hasn't said a single thing; maybe she's still shocked.

"And he believes you?"

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