XXII. Tedious Lives

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Ava's POV:

"I guess the rumors about Mrs.Nocella are true. Mr.Nocella didn't come to school again."

I stood there, tapping my fingers against the metal locker as I stared at the neatly stacked books inside. The whispers around me only get more and more vicious with each word. It was as if the student body, no, the town had nothing better to do except probe into other people's lives.

Seth saw Mr.Nocella pull me into his classroom a few days ago, and from another perspective, that action does not look good. The situation can be problematic, but Seth doesn't seem to be the type to snitch or spread rumors.

"There isn't anything going on between us," I replied in a dull tone, refusing to allow him to get any reaction from me.

He tilts his head, a sly smile on his face, "Oh?"

I ran my tongue across my cheek, feeling my mouth automatically dried up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Considering your reputation-"

"Believe me. Don't believe me. I don't care, but Mr.Nocella is going through enough nowadays," I snapped.

He rests his hands against the counter, "You seem to care awfully a lot about him."

I inch closer to him, "You seem to care awfully a lot about something that's none of your business."

"Maybe it's because I do care." He leaned against the counter, closing the distance between us. "Maybe...I care about you."

I smirk, rushing my fingers through my hair. The tip of my tongue rushed to the edge of my lip. "Trying to become a comedian, Carillo?" I lean inward with folded arms, "Well, here's some advice. Don't quit your day job." I flick against his nametag before walking away.

I am certain Seth and I will never see eye to eye.

"What the fuck is going on?" someone said.

I turn my head to see Winnie and Ben walking through the double doors with Trevon and Eli.

The so-called loser, Ben, was carrying Winnie's books and purse. Everyone was shocked that Winnie would even allow Ben to follow her and touch her stuff.

I nudge a brow as they walk closer, "Morning Av," Winnie said, with a massive smile on her face.

"Morning," I said, closing my locker before slipping the backpack over my shoulder.

Winnie snaps her fingers, while Ben continuously smiles at her. "BennyBoo? My gloss?"

"Oh, right." He snaps out of his daze and shuffles through her purse. Immediately, he pulled out her gloss while everyone shook their heads.

My eyes caught Eli, and he began to make a whipping sound towards Ben, causing me to chuckle slightly.

I notice how Landon was glaring at them in the corner of his eyes.

"So, you two are together?" I want to clarify it.

"Yes. We are together like butter on bread," Ben grinned widely.

She hands him her lip gloss, "Mind if I borrow Wen," I said, and pull Winnie to the side before anyone can say anything. "What are you doing?" I hissed slowly.

"What?" she smiles, her gloss glistening underneath the artificial lights. Winnie removed my hand from her wrist and began running it down her hair.

"Look. I'm going to be straight. Ben is a nice guy, and I do not want you to pull him into this sick game of yours."

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