XLVI. Blobfish

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Ava's POV:

"Ava! Are you coming?" I heard Eli.

"I'm coming!" I screamed.

Taking one more peek back, I didn't see anyone. "Is it my imagination?" I mumbled to myself before jogging away.

When I saw Trevon and Maeve, I pushed Eli down behind the haystack and leap beside him. "Ow! Rude!" Eli rubs his head while I heavily drill my eyes at Trevon.

I grab my phone and dial him. I watch as Trevon picks up his phone. "Hey, Av."

"Trevon. What are you doing right now?" Eli squat beside me and continued staring but didn't say anything.

"Oh. I'm hanging out with my friend." You mean, cheating whore!

My eyes hurried over to see Mary standing on the other side with Winnie and Ben. "Where are you at?"

Trevon looks up, "Ferris Wheel. I'm about to get on." It began loading people off.

"Oh! I'm nearby! We should get on the Ferris Wheel with everyone! I think I see Mary, Winnie, and Ben. Wait for us." I end the call.

Eli grabbed me by the shirt, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing? I-" I stop talking when I realize being the only one who knows Maeve is the evil sister-in-law of my future drop in. From Eli's point of view, what I'm doing is stopping my brother from getting laid, that's all. "That girl isn't good enough for my brother."

"Why not? She's cute and way out of your brother league."

I rolled my eyes, "She's only cute on the outside. She got a crazy boyfriend." Eli furrows his brows, "That's what Trevon told me."

"It still doesn't explain why you're nosy."

I scoffed, "Nosy?"

"Yeah, you're kind of being a nosy sister right now."

"I'm not nosy. I care." I glare viciously at Eli, daring him to question me any further.

He places two hands up in the air, "Okay. Okay. Caring not nosy," he stated, and I nodded in approval before sneaking a peek at Trevon and Maeve. "But-" I groaned, "don't you think your brother is old enough to make his own decisions on who to hang out with and who not to be with?"

"That girl-"

"He didn't say anything when you choose to hang out with your old group."

I closed my mouth.

"Trevon is smarter than that. So, you should trust him."

"But, what if something bad happens?" I asked, feeling the curious looks from the people passing by us.

"Then, you should trust him to come to you when something does happen," Eli said, and I frown even further. His reasoning does make sense; after all, nothing had happened between them yet. There is also the fact that I'm trying to mend our sibship again, and if he finds out his sister is stalking him. Then, everything will surely go downhill.

Eli grasps my hand, causing my body to jolt slightly. "How about playing some booth games with me?" I sigh, "We can play nearby so we can continue stalking your brother just in case something happens," he suggested, and I smile. That is a good idea; after all, it won't look like I'm stalking him.

"Okay," I said, and instantly Eli pulls me up and drags me towards the gaming booth. It was a shooting game.

Eli slams down the five-dollar bill while I continued stalking them. Earlier, Trevon message me when I'll come, and with Eli hovering over my shoulder, I was forced to tell him to go on without me.

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