Chapter 17 (We Made the News)

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Nash's POV

I knock on Cam's and a few seconds later Cam is standing there with a weird look on his face.

"Hey Cam." I wave to him deciding to brush it off.

"Hey." Cam steps to the side to let us 3 in. We all go through the hallway and into his living room. The TV is on and it's playing commercials. I turn around and Cam is standing right in my face with a weirdo smirk on his face.

"Cam are you okay? You're acting weird." I pronounce to everybody but I'm sure they saw it too.

"Yeah Cam. What happened to my teddy bear?" Aaliyah speaks up.

"You guys were on the news. Actually we all were." Cam says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What?" Shawn spins so fast it looks like he gave himself whiplash.

"ALL OF US WERE ON THE NEWS. ME, JACKS, CARTER, MAHOGANY AND YOU GUYS WERE THE BIG STORY." Cam points at us. "Here I'll rewind it." Cam pushes past us to the TV and picks up the remote. E! News.

"Cam what were you watching E! News for?" Shawn laughs.

"Shut up. I was looking at the man candy flashing across the screen and then you guys turned up." Cam says continuing to rewind.

"I love E! News." Aaliyah cheers flopping on the couch. Shawn and I remain standing.

"Here it is."

"Vine continues to sweep the nation bringing in record breaking numbers and the highest following group the social media platforms have ever seen. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are all drops of water compared to the lake of followers Vine has produced. Take a look at this chart." A graph of 5 lines is on the screen next to eachother. "This chart shows the following difference between all the social media platforms this person has. As you can see YouTube is fairly low, Twitter being a close second, Facebook being third, Instagram almost breaking 1000 and then Vine which has 3000 followers. 3 times more than any of his other social medias. There are big names in the Vine community called "Viners" who have become "Vine Famous." The fastest growing viners are Mahogany LOX who spawned the vine of her balancing on a workout ball and then her friends attempting and hitting her face. Carter Reynolds is close behind her who has become famous scaring his mom and using her as a tactic of gaining followers. Behind him is Jack and Jack. Jack and Jack are a vine duo made up of Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson who are responsible for the vine of "Gas Pedal" playing in the car and all the traffic honking behind them, until someone going around throws an egg through their open window. The fastest growing vine accounts ever is actually a tie. Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes are the top winners due to this vine of "Riptide". Both of them accumulated 300k likes and more revines and drawing in 5 times as many followers as they had before the singing vine of them. People are really starting to take notice to. The camera changes to a bunch of girls crying into the camera. "If I meet either of them it would be a dream come true." "They live in the same state as me and I am sooooo blessed, I might actually meet them all. AHHHHHHHHHH!" "I have to find them because I go back to Washinton after this and I won't rest until I find at least 1 of them." I take the remote out of Cam's hand and turn off the TV.

"Did you see that? They were all at the mall looking for us." I turn to Shawn, Cam and Aaliyah.

"Soo...?" Shawn asks.

"We should go down there and meet them." I suggest.

"I'm all for it!" Shawn says.

"Yeah I think I'll sit out for this one. Maybe next time." Aaliyah says.

"Alright then. Cam will stay with you." Shawn tells her, and Cam looks at him in disbelief. 'I want to go too' Cam mouths. "We all know Cam would rather make sure you're safe than go and meet some fans who will always be there." Shawn hints with him hands on his hips. Cam huffs and gives in.

Shawn's POV

"Shawn you're leaving me! What if he comes back? What if I get taken again?" Aaliyah starts panicking and tears rim her eyes. I kneel down to eye level with her.

"It will only be for an hour and we can't live in fear everyday of our lives. Don't worry, Cam will keep you safe. He won't let anything happen to you." I kiss her cheek and leave to go back to my house to get in my car to go to the mall. We jump in my car and now I have Nash all alone and I have a feeling he's going to bring up..."Shawn can we talk about what we were talking about before?" Nash asks from the passenger side. Shit.

"What was that exactly?" I know what he's talking about but I can play dumb.

"About how we should try to go out and just see if it's what we want?" Nash says. "You know before my father came to your house?" I couldn't forget.

"Oh yeah. Well here's the thing Nash. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of why." I tell back to him.

"What do you mean?" Nash cocks his head confused.

"I don't think we should go out to see if it's what we want, we should go on dates after we figure out why it's what we want." This is basically my whole dating advice pouring out of me.

"Well I can say with cetainty it's what I want." Nash puts his head down. "I want to because you've always been there for me, always helped me when I needed you most, you took me in and made sure I was safe, always make me laugh and I can sit here and tell you why I love you but instead I'm going to tell you the reasons I don't love you." Uh ho. Did I anger him. "I don't love you cause you're hot. I don't love you cause you can play guitar like Ed Sheeran. I don't love you cause we grew up together or that we went to school together. I love you cause you're my best friend and you always will be." Nash looks out the window at the water droplets on the glass. It started to rain and I turn on the windsheild wipers. What Nash just said did change my way of thinking, maybe I should try.

"Nash?" I break the uncomfortable silence. "I going to try what you did."

Nash looks back at me with hope in his eyes.

"Nash, I don't love you cause you have a troubled past and have gone to me for help. I don't love you cause you like my friends and love my sister. I don't love you cause you give me a hug everytime we see eachother, and I certainly don't love you cause of all the times we messed with those bullies at school. I love you cause you've always been there for me no matter what, and I always help you in return." I smile letting go of everything I was thinking.

"So Shawn Mendes. Will you go on a date with me?" Nash asks as we starts moving as a red light just turned green.

"I w..." My voice is cut out by the sound of squealing tires. I look to the side and see a set of headlights of a car that was running a red light. I spin the wheel trying to get away but the car already slammed into Nash's side and our car rolled over twice and I see Nash hanging upside down in his seat looking dead. Blood is dripping from his head and pouring on the ceiling which is below us, or it might be my blood. I'm starting to get dizzy and I reach out and grab Nash's hand and squeeze but he doesn't squeeze back.

"I will." I manage to say but I soon pass out and my hand drops from Nash's grip as I see flashing red and blue light.




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