Chapter 9 (Let's Celebrate) LONG ASS CHAPTER!

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Nash's POV

I run down the stairs like nothing happened. I see everyone sitting at the island and eating food. I wasn't very hungry, I don't usually eat breakfast. I go into the kitchen and sit on the counter, since all the seats were taken. Cam, Jack and JJ were sitting on one side on the island, Shawn was standing in front of me and Mahogany was leaning against counter.

"So Happy Birthday Shawn." I say to him.

"Happy Birthday Nash." Shawn replies.

"OH YEAH I FORGOT!" JJ yells. "You guys are 18 now!"

"Jeez, you guys are too old, you 17th birthday's seemed like yesterday." Mahogany picks up her head.

"How are we celebrating?" Cam asks taking another bite of his eggs.

"Well, Shawn how do you want to celebrate?" I ask Shawn.

"I just wanna relax and kick back and have a good time in the sun." Shawn says looking to the sky like he's visualizing it.

"Well, me I want to party the night away and since we share a birthday how about we do both." I suggest.

"And how do we do that?" Jack asks doubting my logic.

"Well Aaliyah can't go with us obviously. So we'll drop her off somewhere and then we go to the beach for the daytime for Shawn. Just relax and have fun and then we move to a nearby club for the night time." I knew my plan was good and we meets everyone's needs.

"Sounds like a solid plan to me!" Mahogany says to the room.

"Yeah sounds great but I'm not swimming." Shawn says. That's fine, neither am I; I needed to stay dry.

"Everyone go back to your houses, get your bathing suits on and meet back here in 1 hour!" Shawn yells throughout the room leaving me and him.

"What are we going to do about Aaliyah?" I ask Shawn.

"She's 10, she can watch herself for a day!" Shawn scoffs at me.

"When I was 10 my parents wouldn't let me stay home alone." I tell him.

"Well Aaliyah is perfectly capable. I'm going to change." Shawn runs up the stairs.

Shawn's POV

I run upstairs and go into my top drawer and pull out my neon green swim trunks; the only pair I have. I take off my pants and underwear; which I slept in, and pull on the swim trunks. I turn around and Nash is in the doorway. He just saw me but I don't care, Nash is my best friend and I've seen him naked.

"What's up?" I ask him taking out tanktop and changing my shirt,.

"I don't have a bathing suit." Nash tells me. Oh yeah he doesn't have any clothes does he. He could do laundry but 3 changes of clothes won't get him very far. Do we need to break into his house again?

"What are you going to do?" I ask him hoping he has a plan.

"Well I saw my house and my father's car isn't in the driveway. I thinks he's out, maybe I can pack a suitcase full of clothes and then be set for longer." Nash's plan was dangerous.

"No Nash. He could come back and with that gun you told me your he has, you can't go in there." I protest.

"If he comes back then I could sneak out the window again but I don't think I'll have to. C'mon we have no choice." Nash was already going down the stairs. I'll help him but I'm not going inside. We walk down the street to his house of horrors and Nash brought his key. Ugh, he was going to do this whether I came or not. What happened to Nash. A few days ago he passed out from hyperventilating and now he's going back in on his own. I walk around the side and wait for Nash to come out. I see his window and wait and wait and wait. I didn't expect this to take a few minutes. He has to pack basically his whole wardrobe in a suitcase. I see his window open and he pokes his head out.

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