Chapter 25 (The Surprise)

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Mahogany's POV

I'm pacing nervously back and forth in my kitchen. My parents are actually home today and they realize my awkward behavior.

"Mag's is there something bugging you?" My dad asks softly, thinking if he raised his voice it would shock me.

"No, I'm just worried about a couple friends." I try to play it off eventhough, I was nervous that if the date went wrong they would be pissed at each other and split everyone up.

"Well maybe you shouldn't stress over it, what with the tour happening and all." My dad tells me as he goes upstairs. The tour is what I'm stressed about.

Shawn's POV

This is the best date ever! Nash is carrying me on his back to this place, where apparently, we had to reach before the sun goes down. Nash picks up the pace and I look up over his shoulder and he's going uphill; maybe I should get off?

"Nash should I get off?" I say slightly moving my legs down.

"No, it's up this hill and then you can see the surprise." I can't see Nash's face but I can hear his smile.

We slowly reach the top of the hill Nash slowly going slower and slower until...we reach the top. I get off his back and stand next to him and I'm amazing by what I see. In front of me is this amazing lighthouse. It looks huge with nothing else around it. The lighthouse is white and has big, black bands going around the bottom, middle and top. It was just beautiful.

"Nash..." Is all I can say until my breath is taken away.

"Yeah?" Nash responds looking the lighthouse.

"How?" I can't really get the rest of the question out but Nash seemed to understand that I was asking, how did he find it.

"I didn't always run to your house when I was running from home." Nash hasn't taken his eyes off the lighthouse.

"Does anyone live here?" I ask hoping we aren't trespassing. Nash shakes his head and takes my hand.

"Let's go in, shall we?" He pulls me with him.

"We shall." Nash leads me to an oak door and slowly pushes open the door and it makes the hideous speaking sound.

I peek inside and it looks like it's plucked right out of the pages of a book. There are old coats hanging on the walls and old rope and an axe hang on the walls next it. I look up and there is a metal, spiral staircase going to the top and hanging from the top is this beautiful chandelier all lit up sending a dim glow throughout the whole building. The normal things that could keep a lighthouse keeper were all here. A stove and a closet and at the top I'm sure there is a bed. Nash grabs my hand and leads me up the spiral staircase.

"C'mon we don't have much time?" Nash says sending me sprinting up the staircase. My hiking boots were clanging on the metal so loud it sounded like the stairs would come down. I finally reach the top and I'm heaving feeling like I'm going to throw up.

"Why did you have me run up all those stairs." I ask in between big breaths of air.

"Because I ran here to get you here before sundown and I didn't want you to miss it." Nash says looking at his watch.

"Miss what?" I ask as my breathing slows down.

"In 5,4,3,2,1 and..." Nash points my head out the ocean and this brilliant light shoots out above our heads illuminating the waters making the waves shine.

"Oh my god..." I whisper simply taken away by the sight in front of me. "Nash you did all this?" I ask looking at him.

"Nope the lighthouse is on a timer. Back when the lighthouse keeper lived here he had to turn it on but no one wants to live in a lighthouse anymore." Nash explains to me.

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