Chapter 7 (Just a Bunch O' Drunks)

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We all leave the airport and head back to Shawn and apparently Nash's house. I couldn't help but smile. I was waiting for years for a happy ending to come to Nash and his family. I remember all the times he used to come knocking on my door in the middle of the night. Looks like for the first time in a long time Nash can rest easy.

"What are you so happy about?" JJ asks from the passenger seat.

"I'm just happy for Nash. Things are finally going his way for once. He doesn't have to live in fear anymore." I look at JJ and he has his eyes on the road.

"Yeah that's great Jack but keep your eyes on the ROAD!" I look back at the road and see I'm in the wrong lane with cars coming. I spin the wheel to get out of danger.

"Don't worry guys. I got this." My phone rings which is in my lap. I reach down to get it but JJ reaches over the consel and grabs my hand.

"I'll pick up the phone." JJ tells me. He reaches down and grabs my phone out of my lap coming dangerously close to my junk.

"JJ not here!" I squeal. JJ looks at me with a dirty look and answers the phone.

"Hello?" JJ asks. I hear another voice but I can't tell who it is or what their talking about. "Well he almost killed us!" JJ screams. "No don't do that." "Alright see ya." I look at JJ waiting for him to tell me who it was.

"That was Shawn. He says be more careful because he's behind us." JJ points to his car.

"He talking on the phone and driving! How incredibly irresponsible." I say to myself.

"Jack, don't you go on talking about distracted driving." Mahogany sasses me from the backseat. "You nearly killed us with your daydreaming!"

"S'cuse me betch I think..." "WE'RE HERE!" JJ cuts me off. JJ and Mahogany jump out of the car and run inside but I stay in the car cause I had one last stop to make.

Shawn's POV

After seeing Jack's car swerve into oncoming traffic, let's just say I kept a safe distance. I'm carrying precious cargo. My handicapped friend, my biological sister, and my new brother.

"Did you see that?" Aaliyah starts hitting Cameron. Cameron opens his eyes and tells her yeah. He must have been alseep. I'll drop him off at his house.

We get into out neighborhood and I drive down a few houses to Cameron's and park in his driveway.

"Well since I'm the only one strong enough to carry Cameron, I guess the responsibily falls on me." I say getting out.

"What are you talking about Shawn! I'm not that heavy." Cameron perks up.

"I thought you were sleeping?" I asks him leaning over to look at him.

"No I was resting my eyes." Cameron snaps his fingers and bobs his head.

"Alright then back to my house!" I holla and drive the small distance to my house. We pull up to the steps and got through the door.

"Hey Shawn, I'm going to go to bed." Aaliyah tells me and heads upstairs. Everyone congragates in the living room and I notice someones missing but I can't tell who. Soon a knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I answer the door and Jack is standing there holding something behind his back.

"Why don't I just give you all keys to my house?" I jokingly ask and throw my hands in the air letting him in.

"Is Aaliyah around?" Jack looks around trying to find her.

"No, she went upstairs to bed." I tell Jack and joins everyone back in the living room.

"Hey everyone who says we celebrate Shawn and Nash's birthdays tomorrow?" Jack suggests.

"I don't think that is your decision to make." Nash smiles and shakes his head.

"Because tonight, I plan on getting WASTED!" Jack yells holds up bottle of booze in his hands from behind his back.

"Scrath what I said. POUR ME A DRINK!" Nash springs up and runs to Jack who's pouring him a cup of liqour. Everything from then on is a blur. I don't remember anything. I remember some shapes moving around me and then a big, blurry figure getting really close to me. I wake up fully and see I'm on top of Nash. HAHA! Happy 18 years old. I get up and have a major headache. I look around and see everyone passed out drunk in different positions on the floor. Jack and Jack like always were pressed right up against each other. Mahogany and Cameron were spooning...Mahogany being the big spoon. And I was on top of Nash. Good thing nothing happened or else I might regret it. I walk into the bathroom just to see what I look like. I look in the mirror and my eyes don't make it to my face. They were busy looking at my neck. A hickey

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