Chapter 29 (He Loves You)

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Nash's POV

It's official. We have landed and are ready to start.

"By the way guys, when we get to the hotel I have to give you more details." John says from the front of the limo.

"Are you excited?" Shawn asks as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Of course I am." I tell him with a smile that seems permanent, "I get to meet fans that i didn't even know existed."

"Trust me Nash they're there. They say you saved their lives. Shawn Mendes, 900,000 followers, Nash Grier 798,000 followers, Cameron Dallas 765,000 followers, Jack and Jack 500,000 followers, Carter Reynolds 421,000 followers and Mahogany Lox 400,000 followers. They know all of you guys." John really seems interested in us. We all arrive at the hotel and get out of the limo. We all just assumed the couples would stay together, minus Carter, Cameron and Mahogany.

(So room are Shawn and Nash, Jacks, Carter and Cameron, mahogany and Aaliyah.)

"Also I'm not on the same floor as you guys, but I also don't want any sex. There might be fans outside your rooms at any time, so either keep it in your pants or keep it quiet." We all laugh, but he may have been serious. We all get out of the car and are immediately blasted with screaming, crying and even fainting girls. I smiled; I could get used to this.

"Guys there's no time to greet them, just go!" John waved is along and we could just wave at them as we walked in.

"Dude that was insane." Jack says hi fiving Carter. They seem to be spending a lot of time together.

We go up to the front desk and grab our room keys, 2 for Shawn and I, 2 for Jack and JJ, 2 Cameron and Carter and 2 for Mahogany and Aaliyah.

"Everyone ready?" Carter asks the group and we head up to our floor, and John stayed down on the main level. We get in the elevator and hit floor 9. The elevator jerks and starts ascending to the 9th floor. We all get out and go to our appointed rooms. Shawn and I in 910, Jack and JJ in 943, Cameron and Carter room 994 and Mahogany across the hall from us 912. We step in and I set my stuff down and fall flat on the bed and exhale deeply. I'm exhausted. Shawn flops next to me and smiles and closes his eyes. I lean in to kiss him but my phone rings before I can. I roll my eyes frustrated and look at the called ID, and when I see who it is I'm instantly concerned. Why is JJ calling me.

"Hello?" I ask in the phone.

"Hey Nash can you come over to my room. I need your help." I hear him sniffle like he was crying.

"Uh sure. Everything okay? Should I bring Shawn?" I wonder what's wrong with him.

"Sure bring Shawn not like Jack will care." JJ hangs up before I can question him further.

Shawn stands up next to me, "Who was that?"

"Can you come over to JJ's room? He needs our help." I tell Shawn.

"Uh okay." Shawn answers.

We walk down the hall, until we reach room 943 and knock. JJ answers the door and he has clearly been crying. His eyes are red his hair is messed up and his lower lip is quivering.

"Hey JJ, what's wrong?" I ask walking in with Shawn.

Shawn's POV

I walk in with Nash and look around the room and Jack isn't anywhere to be found. I sit on the bed and listen to Nash and JJ's conversation.

"It's Jack I don't think he wants to be with me anymore." JJ explains between cries as he sits on his bed next to me.

"Oh c'mon JJ lets be real for a moment." Nash tries to retort but JJ cuts him off.

"I am being real!" JJ yells, "This is clearly his way of showing me he's more into Carter!"

"What Carter?" I ask overly confused now.

"Yes, he's been so distant lately and now he's off to go get starbucks with Carter." JJ hangs his head down and look at his lap.

"JJ starbucks doesn't mean he wants to break up with you." I tell him thinking he's being over dramatic.

"Oh your right. All the times they whisper to each other, all the texting they do, the way he look at him. THAT'S what says he wants to break up with me." JJ yells getting a little angry.

"JJ he loves you!" Nash jumps back in.

"Yeah well he loved you too!" JJ turns to Nash. "Back in 9th grade, remember? You said they were the best years of your life, and Shawn I believe he loved you before that." He turns his attention back to me.

"He was young and that was just dating. He was probably looking for the right person and then he found you." Nash is trying his best to convince JJ that he was fine.

"Well now he's found Carter...THE MAN'S A PIG." JJ folds his arms and the tears have stopped coming for now.

"JJ I think you are the one Jack wants to stay with for a long time." I say softly putting my hand on his shoulder, and JJ shoves it off.

"Stop guys!" JJ yells, "You're using all this cliché stuff and it doesn't work. The things you're saying only happen in movie and wattpad stories!" JJ cries again.

"Look if you think Jack is thinking about breaking it off, then you should talk to him about it. Maybe he is just good friends with Carter." Nash suggests.

"I'm just scared of what he'll say. What if this is the end. 2 weeks and I already finally feel happy." JJ say in between more sobs.

"Don't worry. If it does end it was just because you were out of his league." I turn his face to me. JJ wipes his eyes.

"I guess I thought if I didn't believe it was true maybe he would stay a little longer." JJ gets out so softly I can barely hear him.

"You can't keep living like this though, just ask him and everything will be fine. Okay." Nash tells him.

"Okay." JJ nods. We give him hugs goodbye and as we are walking back to our room we see Carter and Jack coming down the hall laughing loudly with starbucks in their hands.

"Yo Jack!" I shout down the hall.

"Yeah Shawn?" He turns around and looks at me.

"Can you come here for a second?" I ask him.

"For sure man." He jogs over to me and I bring him into Nash and I's room. "What's up?"

"So update on your boyfriend, he's crying in your guys room thinking you want to be with Carter instead of him." No use sugar coating something like this.

"Really..." Jack looks down at his coffee.

"Yeah and my suggestion is you go in there and tell him everything he thinks is wrong." I point to my door.

"I... don't think I... can do that." Jack frowns at the floor.

"And why the hell not!" Nash asks from behind Jack.

"Because...I don't know the answer myself." Jack turns around and leaves the room and slams it behind him leaving Nash and I stunned.

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