Chapter Two

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Chapter two ~ edited

I got about five minutes into my book when my friend Crystal, texted me. That noise stating you had a message, to me, could be both awesome or really annoying. At times I was happy to talk to my friends, but when I was reading a book or watching a movie, I didn't like it. I had ignored my friends a couple times, only to end up with a gazillion messages from them.

Hey wud? The messages said.

Just reading a book, u?

Talking 2 u and Billy.

Billy was her boyfriend. I could say he and I were friends, but in a way that would be a lie. We were more like acquaintances. We didn't talk to each other much either. The only thing we had in common was Crystal.

Cool. How ya going? I asked

Good. Wby?

I'm good.

What book u readin?

Ghost horse.

Sounds awesome.

I knew she didn't really find it that awesome. Like I said, my friends didn't really like horses.


I decided to get ready for school then read the book until I had to go. By get ready, I meant get my books and lunch and stuff. We didn't have a school uniform. Personally I thought it was great.

I didn't need to change my clothes for school today. I just needed to get my books. I grabbed my timetable to see what I had; English, great. Maths, not too bad. Art, awesome. Geography, ok. PE prac, noooo!!! I hated PE. It was the worst subject ever! But hey that was me.

I put my books in my bag and laid on my bed again. I grabbed Ghost Horse and started reading it again. I had a few books that I liked. Mostly Ghost Horse and the Wildwood Stables books. I've attempted to write a book myself but gave up soon after. It was harder then you think, alright.

I got up to about chapter two and just didn't bother with it anymore. But I didn't really care. Writing just wasn't for me, I guess. I heard my phone go 'ding'. I grabbed my iPhone off the table and read what it said

Going shopping after school. Want 2 come with?

That was my other friend, Claire. I really wanted to go for a ride this arvo.

Going 4 ride. Maybe nxt time. Sry.

That's ok. Have fun.

I sighed and put my phone back on the table. I really liked to go shopping, but going for a ride was more exciting.

I heard that 'ding' again. It was Claire again.

Wt bout 2moro?

Sure. C u at school. Bye.


I didn't put my phone on the table this time. Instead, I put it next to me on the bed. I got back to reading my book. Hopefully there wouldn't be anymore distractions.

The time seemed to fly by quickly and I hadn't realise what the time was until I heard mum running up the stairs.

"Summer are you ready?" Mum asked when she basically barged into my room. What ever happened to knocking and waiting?

"Sorry I was reading a book."

I looked at the clock. It was 7:57am. I had three minutes until I left for the bus. I still hadn't brushed my teeth. I quickly jumped up from my bed and ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth in a flash and finished with a minute and a half to spare. I ran back to my room and grabbed my bag. I went downstairs, said bye to Axe then ran to catch the bus. I made it just in time. Lucky for me. I took a seat next to Crystal and started a conversation almost straight away.

"Hey sorry for not replying. I got distracted." My friend told me. I started laughing.

"Doesn't matter I was gonna stop talking anyway."

"Oh." She joined me with laughing until we calmed down a bit. She started playing around with her hair. Her hair was blonde and it was pretty long compared to mine. Hers went half way down her back and mine stopped at my shoulders, maybe just a little bit lower. Her brown eyes always seemed to shine with happiness. I started to laugh when she pulled a face.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Split ends that's what."

"Oh no it's the end of the world." I joked around.


I wasn't like Crystal. She was a girly girl whereas I wasn't. I wouldn't call myself a tomboy either. I still liked to paint my nails a lot. Right now they were a light blue colour. Crystal always wore makeup, not that she needed it. She was pretty without it. Did she listen? No. Before she started wearing makeup she had a few freckles. Now you couldn't see them. Claire was pretty much the same as Crystal. They tried their hardest to make me a girly girl. It wasn't that easy. Although I would wear makeup on special occasions. Other than that. I didn't put any on.

There was that time when Crystal and Claire gave me a 'makeover' on my 14th birthday. One did my hair while the other did my makeup. The question is, do I trust them to do that again? Straight up no! At times I think they made me look like a freaking zombie on purpose.

The bus stopped at school and we got off. We found our other friends; Kane, Claire, Tony and Cassie and went to our usual spot in the quad. We talked about random things most the time. Sometimes we talk about something relevant. But that was only sometimes. Half the time I had no idea what the others talk about. We didn't talk about horses much, but it didn't matter. Seth and I talked about horses. I smiled thinking of him. If only... I let my mind wonder. I scared myself sometimes with what I ended up thinking of. Strange mind.

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