Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter twenty three ~ edited

I opened my eyes and jolted my head up in surprise. Tori was looking over the stall door, watching me. She sighed.

"I wish I had a horse as pretty as you." She said. I nickered and walked to her. She patted my head. She hopped off something. I looked down at her and watched what she did. She moved a bucket and opened the stall door. Midnight was in the stall across from me and he watched Tori as she tried to... climb onto my back? "Will you let me get on you horsey?"

I looked at midnight. He shook his head. Screw his opinion! He was the reason I was in this whole mess in the first place! I nodded my head and laid down so Tori could get on me. For a little girl - around eight I think - she had guts to get on a horse almost twice as tall as her. Her face lit up with excitement and she laughed. That was probably the cutest thing ever! She say on my back.

"Up horsey." She said, kicking me. I slowly stood up, careful that she didn't fall off. Where was everyone else? Did they know she was in here?

"Fire, what are you doing? If she gets hurt-" Midnight started but I cut him off.

"Midnight, she's alright. I'll be careful. Besides she so cute!" I said.

"Come on horsey. Walk on." She kicked my sides. Did I walk out of the stable or stay in? I took a step forward and Tori laughed happily. I walked out of the stall and only keep at a walk, despite her efforts to make me trot. I walked back and fourth in the centre aisle of the stable. She started to lean forward. Oh my god, was she falling? She hugged my neck. I sputtered out a sigh and relaxed.

"Tori! Get off that horse!" Stacy yelled. She looked worried and Tori tensed. I just stood there. Were they expecting me to spook? I waited for them to do something but Stacy just looked at me.

Liz entered the stable. When she noticed, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Tori? What are you doing on that horse? How did you even get up?" Liz asked.

"She laid down and I got on." Tori explained.

"Ok. But get off her. She's not your horse." Liz said.

I could tell Tori was sad. I could sense it. She sighed and patted my shoulder.

"Down horsey." She said, sadness in her tone. I slowly laid down and she hopped off. When she was off, I stood up and nudged her a little. She laughed and hugged my neck. She let go and I looked at Midnight. He had this look in his eyes, like he was my parent and I broke something. What was his problem?

"Right, well that was unexpected. Uh... Stacy how about you take her and put her in the round yard. If your sister can get up, maybe she can be ridden. I'll phone Fiona." Liz said before walking out of the stable with Tori.

Stacy led me outside into the round yard. There was a cool breeze that made my mane and tail dance around. Stacy unclipped the lead from my halter and walked out, shutting the wooden gate behind her. She leaned on the fence, watching me. I stood facing her and she stared at me not paying attention to anything else. I nickered and she smiled.

We studied each other for fifteen minutes. Fiona's red ute parked next to the round yard. She got out and greeted Stacy.

"Mum is in the stable." Stacy said. Fiona smiled and walked into the stable. I watched her leave then I looked back at Stacy. She sighed. "You don't trust me do you?" She asked. I lowered my head and walked over to her. She petted my muzzle and I closed my eyes. "You're a beautiful horse. I'm glad I got you." She whispered.

I put my ears forward and let her pat me. Maybe it wasn't so bad being a horse. The food was good. I got a warm stable. With warm rugs. And mostly friendly people. Other horses to talk to. And I guess it sort of made me happy.

"Would you let me ride you?" She asked. I opened my eyes. Would I? I let Tori on my back. I nickered. Stacy sighed. "Like you even understand me anyway." She dropped her hand from my forelock, put the lead on the fence, and turned away, walking back to the house.

I watched her walk away. I whinnied out to her but she continued walking.

"But I do." I said sadly. Fiona came outside and walked over to me.

"Hello again Shimmer." She said, holding out her hand to me. "How are you going? We going to get to ride you today?" She opened the gate and grabbed the lead. I snorted but stood still as she walked to me, clipping the lead onto my halter. She tied me to the fence and patted my shoulder. Liz and Tori walked out of the stable. Liz carried a saddle and bridle while Tori carried the saddle blanket and a lunge lead, which dragged on the ground. The tack was placed on the wooden rails and Fiona took the saddle blanket and laid it on my back. I stood quietly while the saddle and bridle was put on.

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