Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine ~ edited

I trotted past the house and to the stable. I saw Steel still tacked up and just put in the round pen. I dismounted Storm and put him in the round pen too. I jogged into the stable, hoping Susie was there.

"Susan?" I called out. No reply. I turned around and walked back out to Storm. I saw Seth appear from the trail. He looked like he ran a bit. His face was red. He ran to the house completely unaware of my presence. He got to the door. I thought to call out to him but it was too late, he already entered the house.

I sighed and entered the round pen. I walked both horses around a bit then untacked them. I took their tack and put it in the tack room. I put them both in the paddock with the other horses. What to do now; Stay and find out what was going on or go back home? I stood by myself, half way between the paddock and stable, thinking.

"Uhhh... Summer?" A guy asked.

"Mhm?" I turned around and saw Matt. I must of looked like an idiot just standing there, in my own world.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Standing, what does it look like?" I asked, annoyed.


"I'm going to give Storm a wash." I said. I walked to the wash bay and grabbed his halter and lead then walked to the paddock. "Storm!" I called. He walked up to me. "Good boy." I said, stroking his soft muzzle. I put on his halter then led him out to the wash bay.

He wasn't my horse. I still treated him like he was. I was the only one who rode him, so technically he was mine. I went into the tack room and got horse shampoo and a sweat scrapper. I grabbed them, then jogged back to Storm.

I turned on the hose and started wetting Storm's legs. He stood still while I made my way up to his back. I wet his whole body except for his head. I squeezed shampoo into the bucket and filled it with water, then turned off the hose.

I grabbed a sponge and dropped it into the bucket. I picked up the bucket and walked to Storm.

He didn't move while I covered him from his neck to tail in foamy, water. I turned the water on again and hosed him down.

I grabbed the sweat scrapper and removed excess water from his coat. I jogged back to the tack room and grabbed a towel that they used to dry the horses when it was cold. It wasn't cold today, but I wanted to dry his legs with it anyway. I jogged back and dried his legs, then body.

"You look even more handsome now Storm." I said, admiring my work.

"Yeah don't worry. You don't have to ask if you can wash him." I turned around and saw Seth walking over to me.

"Thanks. I thought he needed a bath. Hope that was ok."

"Yeah its fine." He said. "You do look handsome Storm." Storm whinnied in agreement. Seth and I laughed.

"Smart horse ay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sorry about not going on a ride with you." He said.

"Its fine." I said.

"Wanna go now?" Seth asked.

"Uh. Sure, but Storm's still not dry." I looked at Storm.

"You can take another horse." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"No we'll wait for Storm to dry enough to be saddled again."

"Can't you just go bareback?"

Hmm I could...

"Maybe. Is there a jumping course here?"

"No. Why?"

"I wanna do some jumping."

"Ok. There is one nextdoor. But its about an hour on horseback."

"So?" I asked.

"So. You can ride Storm there with or without the saddle and you can jump over there."

"Alright. Let's go."

I grabbed Storm's bridle and put it on. I decided not to take the saddle. I would just jump bareback.

We cantered the way to the neighbours. Seth took Eagle. Eagle was his sister's horse. Emily got him a few years ago and competed on him. He was a five year old, chestnut thoroughbred gelding and stood at 15hh. Maybe I could take this chance to have a ride on him.

"Seth." I said.


"When we get there. Could I have a go jumping Eagle?"


"Yes!" I said, excited.

We made it to the neighbours in no time. I was amazed at this place. The hugh stable, big indoor arena, the outdoor arena, the massive paddocks, and the beautiful two story house.

A girl around sixteen came out of the house. She looked at Seth then just froze. When she snapped out of it she smiled.

"Hi, I'm Amy." The girl said. She walked up to me and Seth.

"I'm Seth and this is Summer."

"Pretty name, Summer." Amy said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Can we use the jumping arena?" Seth asked.

"Yeah. I'll get Justify and join you." Amy said. Justify? Guess it was an ok name for a horse.

"Cool. Come on Summer."

We walked the horses to the outdoor arena. There were a few small jumps set up. I looked around. There were eight jumps. All under 40cm.

"You can put the jumps higher. My little sister has been learning to jump. She started a few days ago." Amy told us.

"Alright. How high do you jump?" Seth asked me.

"You should know idiot. You taught me to ride and jump." I said.

"Well I know that."

"You can put it up to 80cm. I don't want to make the horses too tired." I said.


"Do you want a saddle Summer?" Amy asked me.

"No i'm good." I said.

She nodded and started to warm up Justify. He was a black and white paint gelding and stood at 16.3hh. He moved smoothly and looked so beautiful. I watched Amy canter him around the arena.

"Summer?" Seth asked.

"Huh?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Justify. I looked at Seth. He mounted Eagle and looked at me.

"You going first?"

"No you can. Then I'll go on Storm. After that I'm having a go on Eagle."

"Ok." I watched Seth canter Eagle in a circle then head towards the jump. Eagle easily jumped the course. My turn now.

I did the same as Seth. I cantered Storm in a circle then headed for the first jump. It was a 70cm vertical. We cleared it easily. I cantered him towards the cross jump. We cleared it. I head to the triple bar and the wall. I jumped the rest of the course, clearing every jump. I trotted back to Seth and stopped Storm next to Eagle.

"You wanna have a go on Eagle now?" Seth asked.

"Yes I do!" I said. We dismounted our horses and switched. I mounted Eagle and started the course. I cleared all the jumps and we cooled the horses down after Seth had a go on Storm. Then we headed home.

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