Can I confront him ?

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Writer's POV

New York

Maithili's life was simple as hospital, surgery, home, kids. Rudra was doing good with his studies and automobile designing  and Rudhi was busy with her studies and modelling. Priya recently started to date some blond girl. Everything was going fine. But something was bothering Maithili. 

Today morning she got a call from Mrs. Mary her former caretaker when she was pregnant. And the thing she told her, made her terrified and she started to behave paranoid and made sure that Priya is always with kids and she checked her neighbourhood and her hospital surroundings to see as if someone is following her. This strange behaviour didn't go unseen to Priya and her loving kids. Rudra and Rudhi asked about it but she didn't say anything to them . 

But Priya knew Maithili was hiding something. So after dinner Priya knocked her door and after opening the door Priya came inside and sat on her bed asked her directly as she was one of the person who don't like beating around the bush "What's wrong Maithili? Is there anything going on ?" But Maithili just layed beside her and stared at the ceiling without uttering a word. "You are behaving strange Maithili, You know your kids very well , If you are sad then they gets disturbed. So please say what's wrong , If there we can think about solution. " Maithili then sighed heavily and told "He came to Mrs. Mary asking about me. I am scared Priya, What if he comes here? what if he harm my babies. What if he take me with him? like what he said that time. ".

Now Priya was also showed the same expression as Maithili. "What does he want ? Why can't he leave you alone? What should we do now Maithili?" Priya said with her head in between her both hands. Maithili now started to sob and stated "I don't know. I ran from him and hided for this long . Its 10 years now . What should I do priya?" 

Priya took a long breath and raised from there an gave a peck on Maithili's forehead. "Don't worry, We will look for some solution, now don't cry, otherwise your kids will turn this house upside down." she said while walking to the door, to which she nodded. 

Next morning she was getting ready for hospital , when she got a call , it was international call , so she thought for sometime before picking but as soon she picked it , the call ended. She sighed and went for her regular work routine. 



It was as usual hectic day for Arjun. He told his PA to call Lifecare hospital for cardiologist. But they didn't get through them. His Prerna is very sick and have to get surgery soon but they say that the success rate is only 20% and some known surgeons recommended him to call Lifecare hospital which have the best surgeon. So he was trying his best. At last his PA came with the contact of best cardiologist of Lifecare. 

"What's her name? " he asked his PA Rishi while dialling the doctor's name. "Its Dr. Maithili sir. " That name made him stun , but then he ignored it and tried calling, but no one received the call. So he thought of calling her little later. as it was already 6:00pm he left from office for his lil angel Prerna. After reaching and freshening he cooked porridge for Prerna and made some his way to her room . "Daddaa..." she exclaimed seeing him. He hugged her and after settling her on his lap , started to feed her. Prerna was sick but was very enthusiastic baby, she asked some random questions and at last  she asked "Daddaa, nanny said that your hospital is very big and there are many doctors in your hospital, is that true?" "Yes angel" He answered her while wiping her face with wet wipes. "Then why you are not making them to curing me?" she asked him with pout on her lips. 

That question made a pinch on his heart. He felt very sad but tried to hide his expression. "Soon angel.. I am talking to a doctor who will make you fit and fine. " he answered her while assuring him. "Woww.. then I will be able to run, play and go to school like Sid" . "Yess angel. by the way who is Sid baby?" he asked her with fake suspicious expression. "Ohhoo Daddaa, I told you last time right, he is my bestfriend ,Nanny's grandson." she said while pulling his ear. "Okkkokk , go to sleep now , I have some work to do, I will come after completing that. " He left after greeting good night to her. 

After reaching study room, he again called Dr. Maithili and this time she received the call.

"Hello, Am I speaking to Dr. Maithili?" 

Maithili taught as the voice was little familiar but didn't know who.

"Yes this is her. May I ask who's calling, please?" he was mesmerised with her voice but then regained his conscious and answered.

"This is Arjun Rathore, CEO of Sanjeevani Health care hospital." his name startled her but she maintained her composure and continued.

"That's nice to hear from you Mr. Rathore, May I know the reason for this call?" 

"Dr. Maithili I wanna hire you as a cardiologist in our hospital." She was shocked with his sudden job proposal.

"May I know why do you wanna hire me Mr. Rathore. Do you know me ? " She was really scared now she wanted to hide herself from her past but now all her past related people are approaching her by themselves.

"Its simple Dr. Maithili, I want you to be mine.. I mean my hospital's doctor. And answer for do I know you is NO, I don't know you or anything about you except your name and that you are that famous Golden scalpel award winner. And one more thing that your face is unrevealed to the world."

This made her to sigh in relief. she saw her laptop screen for few seconds and continued.

"Thanks for your offer but I would have to reject his offer. and now I have some important appointment. so I have to go." she was about to cut the call but he stopped her

"Wait.. Dr. Maithili I will hike your payments by 45% than your current one . Please think about it, We need you here. " his last sentence was somewhat emotional. 

"I will send you the offer letter please read it and then answer Dr. Maithili. " he continued and then cut the call not hearing her answer.

She was now going through her super annoying, exploding headache so she just assigned her surgeries to her trustworthy juniors and left for home. It was 2:00pm when Priya reached home and was surprised with presence of Maithili she asked her about this unusual timing. For which Maithili told everything what happened today.

"So what do you think? Its a good offer" She said shrugging her shoulder. Maithili gasped with her words "what? What are you talking about. Its a absurd offer I ever had. " "Why he is ready to pay you nice amount" Priya turned and walked towards kitchen for water. Maithili too followed her saying " Its not about money Priya. What I am earning right now is more than enough to give my babies the luxurious life. Its just I can't face him. " "Think about it Maithili, What we talked about yesterday, and this is a good solution for that. If that man can reach to Mrs. Mary then it will not be that hard for him to reach you , Rudra and Rudhi."

"Think about it. I am going out and will pick both devils on the way to home. Love you " Priya pecked her on her forehead and left leaving Maithili to think.

But all she could think was Can I confront him?


 Yes Priya is bisexual, that means she likes both men and women

And there is a man other than Arjun who Maithili is feared of..

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