Drastic changes

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Arjun's POV

I stood from there and announced about new Doctor, when she stood from seat and walked towards stage with a small formal smile. She was really different, nothing in her behaviour said that she is Maithili which I know. Everyone were gawking on her like she was some model or something. I don't know why but I hated it.

Why is she wearing such a short dress, Shut up Arjun its her choice , you don't have any rights to judge or say anything. 

She stood besides me and said, "Hello everyone, I am Dr. Maithili, Cardio specialist. Please take care of me. And I think its announced already that I will be chief doctor of cardiology dept. So I want to meet my team after this meeting. " She already came to point like professional, I can see many expressions. Some were like eye raping her, Some senior doctors were giving glares and some were happy, in which one was Aarav. Then I remembered, yesterday he was talking about hitting on her. 

Arjun: "Mithi come to my office, there are some papers you have to sign and I want to talk to you."

Maithili: "Its Dr. Maithili , Mr. Rathore. I don't like people calling me with some pet names. " She snapped on me. 

Arjun: "Oh sorry, please this way" I gestured her to come with me.

When we reached my cabin, I told her to take a seat, she sat there directly looking at my face. My Mithi was shy type, always head down with respect. But this Maithili was really different. I want to know were was she till now , how was she, everything. I am just curious, I know I shouldn't be asking about that when I was the one who left her without anything. I think she will be having someone by now with her who take care of her. 

Arjun: "How have you been Maithili? Where were you all this time?"

Maithili: frowned* "None of your concern Mr. Rathore, Where are the documents, I have some appointments so have to go."

Arjun: "Ok" 

He then took her signs on the documents and then she left from there. She is really changed drastically. She didn't even turned to spare a glance him. She was really cute & dependent before, now she is beautiful and successful, independent. 

Oh shit... I didn't talk to her about Prerna. But things is really hard, she will never take that case after what all I have done to her. 

Maithili's POV

Its been almost 1 week we came India, house was all ready with all furniture and necessity items. I applied for admissions for Rudra and Rudhi, that was also settled, Priya was searching for job as NY branch didn't allow her to leave and she forcefully resigned and now she is job hunting and I am sure she will get it soon. I will joining hospital within 2 days. 

I cooked paratha and aloo sabji for dinner, we all ate while pulling each other's legs. when I got call from unknown no. It was from hospital , they invited me for conference as it will be good opportunity to introduce me. But my mood dropped when she told me that CEO personally wants to introduce me to others. 

Next morning I got ready with formal shirt pant and my jacket suit, but Priya told me to change it into new suit which we got while shopping, I wore it and both Priya and Rudhi started to hooting on me. Rudra too shown me thumbs up, they wished me good luck for first day to see the new environment of work. Priya knew Arjun will also be there , when I reached parking I got a ping from Priya. "All the best baby, show him what are you now, don't loose your confidence. stand tall and face him." And this message encouraged me, I took my new car which was well modulated with my Rudra's guidance. Even mechanics were amused when he ordered them this designs. I ignited the car and left to the hospital. I reached by 11:20 that means I am 10 min early. I hate conferences which are full of politics. I like medical conference. 

I asked in reception about conference, they didn't recognise me, but when I told them my name and speciality they immediately shown me path to elevator and told me to go to 7th floor. I stepped in the elevator, where one man was already there, he glanced at me from head to toe and started to stare at me, I stepped forward where he was 3 steps behind me now.  I seen his eyes was on my buttocks from the reflection. I searched for if there is any ccvt cameras in elevator and it was there in corner. 

He extended his and touched my waist and in fraction of second he pinched my buttocks and there I lost my cool and turned and kicked him on his groin, I know he will be in immense pain but its his fault , he shouldn't do that right. Then the elevator dinged I turned only to see the person whom I hated for 11 years of my life. But I repeated the mantra, 'show him what are you now, don't loose your confidence. stand tall and face him.' I can see the shock on his face, yaa that's natural, when you see your unwanted ex wife after 11 years. 

He then asked "What happened here? " The person next to Arjun came forward and helped that man to walk with him, Now I was aloe with him, there was silence and I decided to step out on elevator.

Maithili: "Hello, Mr. Arjun Rathore."

Arjun: "What are you doing here Mithi?" That was only thing my brain was thinking and same came out of my mouth.

Maithili: "Its Dr. Maithili , Mr. Rathore."

Arjun: shocked* " What , you are Dr. Maithili? Don't joke around Mithi"

I stared at him like to make him understand that I was not at all joking here. then he got a clue and extended his hand I shook my hand , my hands were cold due to nervousness and I felt very nice when his warm hand wrapped mine. 

Shut up Maithili, Don't lose yourself.

 His PA came and took us to conference room . It was huge I took back seat and started to chat with Priya saying things happened in elevator and our meet. She was saying that I did a good job here. then I introduced myself to everyone. there was many different expressions and looks, but who cares, I am just here for work . Then I gone to Arjun's cabin 

He was trying to ask me about my past 11 years , but I just shut his mouth by saying it was not his concern. I don't want any personal connections with him , it will be only professional .

I left from there after signing some documents.


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