𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲

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Chapter 16
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He woke up rather abruptly at the sound of his phone ringing, an alarm ?

Tae hadn't remembered setting an alarm the night prior but I guess he had just to make sure he didn't let himself sleep in too late.

It was already around 1 pm though so in his opinion, he had already slept in too late.

Nevertheless, he got up rather slowly with a yawn, rubbing at his eyes a moment before getting up and picking out an outfit for the day.

Nothing special, just a baby blue colored zip up jacket, a black t-shirt, and some white jeans.

Just comfortable.

He then took his outfit and got into the shower, forgetting for a moment his strawberry products were at kooks so that meant he couldn't use them for the time being.

But that's ok, nothing really seemed to be bothering tae today, at least not quite yet he thought. He didn't want to jinx himself by getting too cocky so he assumed otherwise.

Once done with his shower and fully cleaned up and dressed, about two hours had passed, quite the bit of time but it's not like he had anything to do today anyways.

So he slipped his shoes on slowly, and took the time to admire his surroundings as he walked to a cafe.

He didn't know why, he just felt like getting coffee all of a sudden. And there just so happened to be a cafe in walking distance, too good of a coincidence to pass up.

After around less than 15 minutes he'd arrived, but looked more confused than anything as he stared in the window of the small cafe.

Inside was two boys, one of them looking to be Jungkook and the other with pink hair ? But who would Jungkook be with ?

Upon a closer look, he seemed to be laughing like crazy with the boy next to him.

They were sitting dangerously close, so much so that their shoulders were touching. But neither of them seemed so notice since their laughter distracted them.

'Did Jungkook maybe have a crush on the pink haired boy ? Is that why he looked so happy and close with him ?' Tae wondered before taking a closer look at the pink haired boy.

He had a dimpled smile that anyone could talk to, a god-like carve for his face, and in general just looked attractive.

He was wearing a black,leather pant, as well as a black crop top and Camo dark purple and black jacket.

His shirt being cropped let his abs show just a tad, not much but you could see the defined outlining of his abs.

He looked.. attractive. So it would make sense if Jungkook had fallen for the pink haired boy. If he had him laughing this hard then he must be attractive personality-wise as well.

As much as he wished it hadn't, it broke taes heart to see the sight, so he ran home.

He no longer cared to take in the scenery, he didn't particularly want to get home slow.

He now had something to do, that something being locking himself in his room for a while as fast as he can.

As tae locked his door and sat down on his bed, he couldn't help but think things such as "maybe if I were prettier then that could've been me ?" And "I should be happy he got over me, they're perfect for eachother."

He couldn't stop his mind from thinking but god did he wish he could.

It was only hurting him, not helping. Letting himself overthink everything from the events of today, yesterday, last week with Jungkook ?

It wasn't going to solve anything nor make him feel better.

So since he couldn't stop his overbearing thoughts, he cried.

Cried silently, until he couldn't. He ignored the world around him, ignored the messages he was getting from Jungkook, ignored the way he felt.

He tried his best to just not feel, because in the moment it just seems like the only solution. Of course he couldn't stop his emotions, but he sure tried.

Everything was interrupted for a moment though when jimin knocked on his door, begging to be let in.

"Jungkook said you aren't answering the phone and I'm worried, will you unlock the door please ?" He said with a pleading  tone that tae couldn't deny.

He messied his hair a bit and took off his jacket then messied his bed before opening the door for the other.

"Sorry I'm just not feeling too well, I haven't left my bed because I just don't feel good." Tae said as he let jimin in then went back into his now messied bed.

"Oh.. tae tae I'm sorry you shoulda told me." He replied, now feeling bad for knocking so loud at the door.

"It's ok.. do you mind letting me rest now though ? 'M kinda tired." It was a lie, Though he did feel sort of tired but not for the same reason.

"Yea yea ! Rest well ! I'll come back tomorrow morning and give you something to eat, but for tonight I'll just let you be." Jimin replied before walking back out and shutting door as well as the turning the lights off.

So tae just sat there, contemplating, thinking. Wishing he could just fall asleep, he was getting to be tired with his mind running so fast.

Eventually though, he slept. He slept without any dreams or nightmares. Nothing, just calm peace which is all he'd needed.

It was an escape from what he thought was happening.

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Dreaming of You [TAEKOOK]✔️Where stories live. Discover now