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Chapter 3
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Although Jungkook hadn't known it, Taehyung hadn't been fully asleep and had heard it.

And it honestly hurt Tae to hear such words, being that he wouldn't be able to reciprocate those feelings.

Not that he never wanted to, more so because he really doubted Jungkook would be his soulmate.

Tae really didn't want to be with anyone only to have his heart shattered when the others soulmate isn't himself. It happened once, and he didnt want history to repeat itself.

He sat in thought for a while before falling asleep, deciding that if he was going to, he could deal with his problems tomorrow.

-time skip by the Jibooty-

When Tae woke up, he looked over to see a little note from Jungkook, but no Jungkook.

"Guess he left while I was asleep.." Tae said quietly to himself before picking up the peice of paper and reading it.

Did you sleep good ? You looked very peaceful when I left.

I didn't want you to think I just abandoned you when I left, so I figured I'd say bye in this note.

Also, I drank quite a bit of your banana milk that I found in the fridge- hope you don't mind heh.

Anyways, I went home to pick up my room a little to have something to do, so..


"Alright so.. buy more banana milk.. got it" tae said as he pulled out a notebook and started writing down different items to buy at the store.

He figured he might as well take a trip to the store since he had nothing better to do and was running out of groceries.

Once satisfied with his list he got up and went to go take a shower, only to find another, smaller note.


This one doesnt say much, just that I used your shower :>

I used your strawberry scented stuff cause it smells good.

Again, hope you dont mind.


He chuckled a bit as he read the note then placed it on the counter and got into the shower.

He felt...well he didnt know how he felt.

He felt a little flustered to think of the fact that kook had used his shower and liked the strawberry scented products.

But theres no reason for that..

It meant nothing.

And Tae using the strawberry scented stuff over anything else now was just a complete coincidence..

Once he'd finished, he got out and got dressed, trying to look at least a little matched for the day.

He ended up deciding on just dressing simple. Wearing a red flannel, a white t-shirt, and some bluejeans and sneakers.

He grabbed his list, his money, and off he went.

On his way out he was met with jimin sitting in the kitchen, so he stopped and sat a moment with him.

"No Yoongi today ?" Tae asked as he plopped down next to jimin.

"Nope, why ?" Jimin said tilting his head at the other"what're you doing ?"

"I'm going to the store.." Tae replied, shrugging "wanna come ?"

"Y e s :>" Jimin said getting up quickly and holding out a hand to Tae.

"Small hand ya got there." he said while getting up with Jimins help,earning a scoff from the shorter of the two.

With that, the two of them stepped outside and ran to the car.

There was rain pouring down, soaking everything around.

No one really noticed it was until they had already gone outside, so they figured they may as well just tough it out and run to the car instead of grabbing an umbrella.

Once they'd arrived at the nearest grocery store, they both got out and darted for the door.

Once they'd made it into the dry warmth, they just looked at each other started cracking up despite being soaked.

Not a care in the world.

"So, what're we getting ?" Jimin asked as he watched tae grab a cart.

Tae just responded by handing Jimin the list that he'd had in his pocket up till now.

"Mkay...can we get ice cream ? Or ice cream mochi ?" Jimin asked while gasping "what if we got both?"

It just earned him a chuckle and head nod from Tae, which Jimin was fairly pleased with. With that, they started making their way through the store. Eventually making it to the dairy section.

"I'm gonna grab the banana and normal milk" Tae said as he pushed the cart over to Jimin and walked up to the milk.

He grabbed both, but as he was closing the glass refrigerator door, he saw a familiar reflection looking at him.

"Hey" the man from the reflection said with a smile on his face.

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Dreaming of You [TAEKOOK]✔️Where stories live. Discover now