𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Chapter 17
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Two days had passed since tae had decided to "play sick".

So far, Jungkook had tried to visit in the beginning to take care of him, but taehyung had told jimin not to let Jungkook in so he didn't catch what tae had.

And after that he understood and let the other be, leaving a message everyday to wish him well, even despite knowing he'd be left on read.

Yea.. Tae did feel a bit guilty about not replying right now but he just really didn't feel like it.

Like communicating.

But He has to get back out eventually.

So here stood taehyung in front of his college. He had a class that would start in twenty minutes, yet he just stared at the entrance.

It was as though that week or two of skipping had made him scared he wouldn't be able to walk through the entry or something.

But he did, whether that be good or bad. He was able to drag himself to class and sit down, go through class, get missing work and eventually after a few hours, go home.

It was a cycle that taehyung had forgotten was tiring, yet nice. He liked having a set schedule like this where he wasn't lazing all day.

He felt accomplished by the time he walked home.

Unfortunately for him though, that feeling didn't last long as Jungkook was waiting in the living room of his house for taehyung to come home.

The moment taehyung walked in, he was greeted with jungkooks signature bunny smile.

"Tae ! Oh my gosh I missed you these past few days." He said before engulfing the other into a tight yet comfortable hug.

Though, tae couldn't get over that Jungkook said he'd missed him, had he really ?

The ever so slightly elder of the two felt himself smile for the first time in a bit, hugging back he simply replied with "I missed you too."

"Can we go up to your room ? Just talk or hang out ? I dunno I just don't wanna say bye yet." Jungkook said as he let go of taehyung and backed up a bit to give him space.

"Yea sure." He guided him up, even though the younger didn't need to be guided when he'd been in the room more times than he could count.

They both say comfortably on his bed, the ambiance in the room being overall joyous.

"So ? Do you feel any better I'm guessing then ?" Jungkook asked, breaking the silence first.

"Yea, I really just.. felt horrid for a few days but I feel good as new now, thanks for askin." He replied, smiling at the other before continuing.

"Anyhow, what've you been up to whilst I've been sick ?" Tae asked, "anything new happen ?"

The other thought a moment before replying.

"Oh ! I have another friend I've been hanging out with," he smiled brightly before continuing, "his names San."

Taehyung smiled at the others excitement before replying.

"Oh ? What's San look like ? Just to get a visual in my mind if you talk about him." He looked at Jungkook with curiosity to hear more.

"Well, he's rather tall, and well built. He normally has a dimpled smile that decorates his facial expression as well. Oh ! And currently, he's got newly dyed pink hair." He replied, seemingly satisfied with his answer.

"Ah.." though he'd kept his smile once the younger had finished his words, he felt a drop in his heart.

'San', the same boy from the cafe ? That was all that went through taehyungs mind, but he kept it to himself since Jungkook didn't even know tae had seen the two at the cafe.

And Jungkook seemed pretty happy talking about him, and pretty close with him at the cafe..

He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but at this point he was sure the other had lost feelings for him and fallen for 'San'.

"You should meet him sometime !" Jungkook said, smiling before awaiting the others reply.

"Yea ! That could be fun ! I'd love to." But it was such a blatant lie.

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Don't forget to vote ! Ily ( ー̀εー́ )

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