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(words: 3k)

(a/n: alright so peep, we're not going to make the Olympians siblings, that means I would have to condone incest and continue to write about it. Because you know, Hera and Zeus are siblings and also married, but I don't get down with that. So they're all just gonna be like super adult best friends or something)

"I'm sorry about your mother, she was a good woman." A friend of my mom's , Mrs. Avra remarked, touching my shoulder as we all quietly walked away from my mother's casket. The funeral was already hard, since I was the only child and had nobody to support me. However, with a few gold coins and fallen tears, my mother was on her way to the Heavens properly.

"Thank you." I voiced, smiling as best as I could, making my way to my car.

"Ms, Y/N L/N?" A man called, in a few wide strides he stood above me, literally above. The lightly tanned, olive skinned male was no doubt seven foot, or at least 6'11, and that's being generous. He blocked the sun from my eyes momentarily.

Now, I wasn't short, like 'UWU' short, I was more like the size of a mailbox. Awkwardly short and weirdly tall.

His tightly coiled but bouncy strawberry blond hair contrasted with his icey-blue eyes. His beauty was exceptional, his jawline sharp enough to cut glass and he had such a radiant aura. He was perfect. Without a doubt.

I almost lost control of my breath. If I wasn't so depressed, I would be flirting with him shamelessly.

Sorry, Ma.

"Yes, who are you?" I answered, shaking the hand that he offered. I tried to keep my eyes on his perfect smile and not the thick veins in his hands, or the silver rings on his fingers.

"A friend of your Father's." He answered in a dulcet voice. "I'm Hermes." He smiled, bowing his head and releasing my hand. He smelled like the literal sunshine. Nonetheless, my father, whoever and wherever he was, I didn't need him.

"Sup? Well Hermes, I would like to go home. And not even think about my deadbeat father. Have a good day." I remarked almost coldly, moving past the quite attractive man and heading to my car.

"He wants to see you." He called over his shoulder, not turning around.

"So? He hasn't come to see me or my mother since I was born." I tell him, unlocking my passenger door and throwing my purse in.

"He sees that she has passed and wants to make amends." Hermes spoke, walking around me and opening the back door on a slick, black Mercedes Amg S65 parked near me. However, my head just was raised enough to see the expensive car.

There's no way that a car like that was this century's model. Maybe my dad had money.

"He can amend these nuts." I told him rolling my eyes and digging into my purse for my car keys. I heard a small chuckle and as soon as my head registered it was from him, my head lifted.
I felt my body being tugged up and thrown over a shoulder. My breath hitched as I was hoisted into the air. My eyes coming into contact with that familiar strawberry blond hair and my legs began to flail.

"See, now you want me to beat your ass." I growled out, punching at his back with my balled up fists and kicking my legs wildly. I can't believe this, being held up like a ragdoll by a strange man in front of my mothers' wake.

"Stay still." He grunted, trying to reach for my purse inside my car. It seemed like time went slower than normal, or at least, nobody cared to even look over. He kicked my door closed and moved to his own.

He was literally kidnapping me!

Hermes tossed my purse into the back seat and began lowering down to try and put me in the car too. Only me being the little firecracker I was, I wasn't going down without a fight.

Welcome To A Hellish Heaven {completed}Where stories live. Discover now