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(words: 7K)

When I regained consciousness for what appeared to be the third day, I still found myself not in my room, but trapped in a large glowing cage with a small padlock. I was in my room, but the cage was attached to the wall, me being outside but able to still look into my room. The cage was a few feet off of the ground, so if I did fall, it would be a pretty rough landing.

I couldn't register anything, but the wind whipping around me and the sound of birds fluttering. It was nighttime, and all I wanted was to climb into my bed, but the cage was now my home. I didn't have anything in there, not even a blanket or pillow.

I chose to simply not fight anymore, resistance only begot violence. My mother was dead and now I had died at the hands of Zeus. He had literally killed the fight I had in me. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I sat in silence, staring at the tree line and the rising of the moon, letting the cool air take me to sleep.


I couldn't sleep much, me waking up only a few hours later,  it only being a bit darker outside. I felt around for anything I could use, not finding the bag with Medusa's items, only finding Ares' gift stuffed into my pocket. I knew I could break the padlock with it, but why?

I would only get killed again. He was my dad... maybe if I listened, things would be better.

I tried to sleep again, not being able to do much, getting interrupted by feet stomping over to me. My big brother, Heracles was standing in front of me, giving me the biggest of puppy dog eyes.  I wasn't allowed any company, I guess that he had snuck away from Zeus's watchful eye to come see me.                                          

"Heracles. Hi, there." I greeted, my voice coming out more monotone than usual. My resolve was gone, and Heracles could definitely see it.

"Want some water?" He asked, pulling a crisp bottle of water from behind his back and holding it out to me. I hadn't even registered that my mouth was super dry and there was no food in my stomach, other than mushy ambrosia. Zeus allowed me out for a morning and nightly shower, and to change my clothes, but after that, it was back in the cage.

I kept Ares's sword in my pocket the whole while, feeling like I needed it.

"Please.." I whispered, taking the chilled bottle in my hands, greedily gulping down the contents. I only had a quarter left after, my teeth finally catching a chill from it. I placed the bottle on the bottom of the cage, Heracles only staring at me with pain in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, his fingers playing against the golden bars. I watched as he grabbed the bars, stretching them out, but when he did they snapped back into place. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, but I already knew, I guess I was asking, why.

"Breaking....the....bars." He groaned out, he began to punch at the bars with all of his strength, making the cage rattle. He gripped the bars, trying to snap them with all of his might.

"Please stop. I don't want anymore trouble." I told him, Heracles confusedly letting go of the bars. "Dad says, I have to be better in order for me to come out." I shrugged.

"Have you eaten?"

"I've only been able to eat ambrosia." I replied, thinking of the many spoonfuls that were forced into my mouth by Zeus.

"But you hate it?" He asked, I just nodded my head, thinking about the emotional torture I was going through.

"Y/N, this is inhumane." Heracles said, looking around the cage. "There has to be something." He tacked on, examining the padlock.

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