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We returned to the entrance of Tartarus after speaking to so many different creatures. Hades held me by the hand, holding onto me tightly and lifted us up. I quietly said goodbye to Tartarus as I was lifted into the air, my vision taking in the previous sights. Hades dropped us onto the ground, picking both of our jackets up. We both put our respective jackets on, me watching and noticing how attractive Hades looked in his turtleneck.

Without a word, Hades walked up to me, pushing on my stomach and squeezing the back of my neck at the same time. Before I got a chance to push him away from me, a stream of smoke flew from my mouth. I coughed a few times once it was expelled from my body. I had a faint taste of the vanilla ice cream, and licked my lips.

"Where to now?" I asked, still coughing a little.

"I wanted to give you something. For your battle." Hades explained, giving me an impassive smile, like he was forcing himself to do so.

"You're not going to help me?" I asked, feeling like I would have a better chance of winning if the God of Death himself was on our side.

"Regardless of the side, people will die." Hades spoke gracefully.

 "I have to run the Underworld." He told me.

"Hades..." I started, feeling a bit selfish. His work came before me, which was admirable.

 "I respect your decision." I said. Hades nodded his head, pulling me into his chest again, I didn't think he would do that, me squeaking a little in shock when my hands hit against his chest. He seemed to like my apprehension, pulling me closer to him, my knee brushing against his inner thigh. He covered us in his trench coat and spun a little. As usual, the spinning made me dizzy so I squeezed my eyes shut, for a second. When I opened them back up, we separated and we were standing in Hades's living room.

Hades walked to a small area between his living and dining room, me following behind him like a lost puppy. "I have a few gifts for you." He told me.

"One. This." He said, going to a shelf, pulling a glass case from over a golden helm. He picked it up, holding it out to me. "This is an invisibility helmet, it makes you naked to any eye, even Gods." He smiled, shaking it a bit.

"Really?" I asked, taking it from his hand and examining it. I slipped it onto my head, jumping around and making stupid faces at Hades.

"What am I doing?" I asked, still going around Hades, wiggling my body and dancing like an idiot. Hades could feel where my body heat met his, turning to my direction when I moved, but I didn't know if he could see me.

"Probably something stupid." Hades said, looking straight ahead. He was right, but so what?

"Take it off." Hades said, me calmly walking in front of him, taking off the helm and holding it out to him.

"That's what she said." I joked, brushing back the flyways on my head, with my hands. Hades replaced the helm on his bookshelf, covering it back up with the glass. He walked away to a room, grabbing a small squeaking giraffe toy. Hades led me outside again, going to the spot where we found Cerberus the first time I came to the Underworld.

"Open your hands and close your eyes." He told me, keeping me there and walking behind his house. With my eyes closed, all I heard was loud shuffling and dragging. I kept my hands open, waiting for whatever Hades was bringing to me. 

The shuffling got closer, and in my hands came a very heavy, fabric covered weight. It felt like nylon, my arms being dragged down by the sheer mass of it.

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