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(words: 4.9K )

"I'm not even about to do this, move." I said, rolling my eyes and trying to move past her. Persephone blocked my exit and standing in front of me. Trying to keep my promise and not punch her again, I stayed, folding my arms over my chest.

"Why are you in the Underworld? Especially after I told you to not deal with Hades." Persephone asked, getting in my face.

"That lump on your forehead said otherwise, I do what I want." I reminded her, pointing at the knot on her head, the girl quickly covering it with her hands.

"Now before I put more lumps on you, I suggest you move your little fairy ass out of my way." I said, pushing past her. Charon quietly laughed as I forced her shoulder out of my path.

"Half breed." Persephone yelled, climbing into the boat.

"Slut." I threw over my shoulder, laughing to myself. I walked from the darkness into the light from Olympus. My eyes squinted as they adjusted to the brightness above. I didn't even see Hermes running up to me.

"Y/N!" He screamed, I just barely looked over to him when his large arms scooped me up and swung my body around.

"Hermes.." I said, still in the air. I didn't know why he was so happy to see me, especially since we just saw each other.

"I was so worried-" He said, staring up at my confused face.
"I mean ughhh... I'm glad you're okay." He said softly, slowly dropping me to the ground and brushing himself off.

"Ready to go now?" He said, smiling and holding his hand to his awaiting chariot.

"Sure. Back to Olympus we go, I guess." I said sarcastically, walking back to the chariot.

"You don't want to?" He asked, stopping and leaning against the chariot.

"Not really." I shrugged. "Wait. Can I hang out with you?"

"Sure, I do have a guest though." He said, picking me up and helping me in the dray. I started to get a little upset that he had to do this every time.

Curse my tiny legs and weird frame.

"Who's your guest?" I asked, holding against Hermes when he climbed into the chariot beside me.

"You'll see." He said, snapping the whip and pulling the horses in the air.

When we made it back to Hermes's house, he gave me a little smile and opened the door. When the door opened, I swore I could hear angels singing.

Seating on his couch and coming swiftly over to us, was what I could only describe as seeing Heaven. This man was gorgeous, he had to be a model or something up here. He had curly blond hair, perfectly straight and shiny teeth, plump pink lips, and a jawline for days.
He had a small pastel pink braid in his hair hidden behind the gorgeous blond locks, but I definitely saw it.

He had a fair build, like he wouldn't shy away from working out, nor a fight... But he was slender and soft. His skin was completely free from hair which was insane for a man-- at least the ones I've seen on earth.

They've always made it seem like body hair was so manly and to see a man without it, was not only refreshing but attractive. I could see a small heart tattoo, with a bow and arrow above it.

Look at him, defying gender stereotypes. That's hot.

"Who. Is. This?" I said, getting a smile that could have blinded me if I stared too long.

"Y/N, meet Cupid. He's Aphrodite's son." Hermes said, practically holding me up.

"I can tell." I whispered, but not quiet enough as Cupid laughed, licking his lips.

Welcome To A Hellish Heaven {completed}Where stories live. Discover now