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(a/n: alright, quick poll. has anyone ever read the cute myth-o-mania books by kate mcmullan as a kid? they were like chapter books... one was "phone home, persephone," "have a hot time, hades"... nobody? just me?)

(words: 7k, a bit long)

"Medusa.." I whispered, both out of fear and awe. The woman finally slid herself fully into the light and into my view. She stared down at me, her snakes hissing at me aggressively.

"You scared?" She whispered. Using a slender finger, she brushed a few snakes out of her face, tucking them behind her ear.

"Absolutely not!" I yelled, feeling immediately embarrassed as I tried to keep myself from fangirling any further. Every atom in my body was begging me to touch one of the snakes in her hair, but since I hate when people touch mine, I restrained myself.

The myths about Medusa painted her in a negative light, but to see her in the flesh...they were definitely told wrong. She wasn't some hideous monster, but a gorgeous woman, even more attractive with the snakes.

"So, why are you here? And who are you?" She asked me, staring me down, concerned.

"My father is trying to kill me." I whispered, staring up at her.

"Men." She scoffed. "Who's your father?"

"Zeus." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"Oh Hades, no!" She yelled, taking me by the shoulders and starting to push me from her house. "Nope, nope, no." She repeated, I tried to push back against her, but she was far stronger than me and the snake tail that she had, kept her propelling forward.

 "I won't be involved with men, especially the Gods." I struggled against her, pleading for her to stop, but they fell on deaf ears. I didn't know what help she could give me, but Hermes wouldn't send me in here for no reason.

My feet were sliding as she was practically shoving me through the door, my fingers just barely grazed the door jamb when I spoke.

"I want to kill him before he kills me!" I blurted out and she immediately stopped in her tracks. I spun around breathlessly, hoping that it did the trick.

"You've piqued my interest." Medusa smiled, holding her hand out and gesturing to her house. Medusa snatched one of the boards from the window, illuminating the house. She quickly slithered away, flicking on lamps in her way.

She curled up on a large ottoman, gesturing for me to take a seat in front of her. Smiling, I walked to her, stepping over the broken pieces of glass in my path. I took a seat in a wooden rocking chair and Medusa grabbed a white mug, sipping it.

The snakes on her head calmed down a bit as she began to speak.


Medusa told me her story, how she was once a priestess in Athena's temple and how she became the mythical murderer that turned men to stone. When she told me why, my mouth flew open. I could not believe the audacity of some men, even Gods.

They were pathetic

"So, men aren't allowed in my temple anymore. I will turn anything with a penis to stone." She finished, shooting me a fanged smirk. Medusa seemed so at home, speaking like she hadn't had a listening ear for ages. As an immortal that was well hated, I guess that she didn't.

"Y/N?" Hermes called, his small voice coming from the doorway. Medusa's eyes immediately shot up, the snakes hissing defensively. I knew if Hermes looked at her, he would be turned to stone instantly.

I don't even know why he would leave the chariot, especially since he knew who resided here.

"Hermes, no!" I yelled, running over to him. "Fall to the ground and close your eyes!" I commanded, pushing him to the floor and keeping his head down. Medusa was quickly on us, trying to move out of my way, going for Hermes's eyes. I stretched my arms out in front of the hissing woman, her gleaming eyes portraying so much more than anger, this was hatred.

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