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(words: 5K)

I removed the jewelry and wiped the makeup from my face. I took a rather long shower, making sure to have all of the makeup gone. After changing into a satin pajama set, and wrapping my hair, I slid my freshly shaved body into the sweet and soft sheets. I rubbed my feet together, putting myself in the mindset to sleep. I sighed and thought of Hermes, letting the sweet dreams lull me right off to sleep.


"Good morning." Zeus said as I wiped my eyes, walking through the kitchen. It was so weird to see him in a large robe, and even with his white hair wrapped in curlers. Something about the God of the Universe wearing hair curlers and a face mask was adorable, even I couldn't lie. 

"Do you guys have any coffee around this place?" I yawned, scratching the back of my neck drowsily. I tried to jump up on the chair in front of the island, almost breaking my jaw and falling. I scrambled to keep my balance, not seeing Zeus zip from beside the refrigerator and to my side. Luckily, Dad of the year, just barely caught me in his arm, shoving me delicately onto the chair.

"What exactly do you want?" He asked, me coughing as I tried to gain my balance.

"A large cup of french vanilla iced coffee with sweet cream and an extra pump of vanilla syrup." I told him, smiling brightly as I finished.

"Sounds extensive." Zeus chortled, and almost from the atmosphere, he pulled a disposable cup of coffee, handing me the cup and the straw. "Here." He said, sliding it over to me. I slammed the straw into the cup, sipping slowly and tasting the amazing flavors all clashing together. 

"Wow, this is incredible." I said, double sipping the coffee.

"The sweet cream was replaced with ambrosia. The nectar of the Gods." He said, taking a small bowl and an apple from the fridge. He bit the apple and took a spoon, stirring the mixture in the bowl.

"Well it's bussin." I smiled, getting a confused look from Zeus. "It's good." I corrected myself, still sipping the amazing coffee.

"Y/N, taste this." He said, sliding the bowl to me. I leaned up, staring at the bowl of mush thinking that it's oatmeal or something. Since the coffee was good, I knew it had to be good, even if it looked gross. I picked up the spoon and shoved a big spoonful in my mouth. When my tongue touched the mushiness in my mouth, it took everything to keep me from vomiting. I tried to swallow it quickly, my eyes watering as I blinked back tears, trying to force the slime down my throat. I could hide my disgust as I chewed and swallowed the little bits left in my mouth.

After I did, I stuck my tongue out, wiping it off with a napkin. Zeus couldn't hide the smile on his face, taking enjoyment in my apparent disgust.

"What is that?!" I yelled, pushing the bowl away from me.

"Ambrosia, it's what keeps us strong and alive." Zeus laughs, taking the bowl and shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth like cereal. 

"Well, its awful. The consistency is horrible. It's slimy but solid." I told him, shaking my head and sipping more coffee to get the taste from my mouth.

"What do you have planned today?" Zeus asked as I adjusted the headband on my head.

"Nothing yet, why?" 

"Spend the day with me, get to know me." He said, smiling like a puppy. He was practically jumping and smiling as bright as the sun. I sipped my coffee, giving him a smile. 

"No." I said plainly, still sipping my coffee and swinging my feet.

"Y/N! I am your father and I demand that you listen to me!" He yelled, stomping his feet and slamming his hands on the island. I wasn't scared really, still kicking my feet as he continued his temper tantrum.

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