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Rolling my eyes, I made my way to my father's door. I didn't have much to worry about with Hera gone, but I was scared to see him for the first time after the fight. 

Exhaling a deep breath out, I pressed my palm against his door, apprehensive.

 "Knock knock." I called, rapping on his door a few times. I heard a groggy moan from him, and took that as a sign to creak the door open. I opened the door to see my father laying in the bed, covered in bandages and band aids, his head tilted up at me and a smile on his face. Zeus's room was covered wall to wall with machines, long strings and tubes all attached to the man. He looked like some sort of science experiment, but seeing him like this was much better than him being in the ground. 

 "Hey, you're awake! Um, can I come in?" I asked, not waiting for an answer and just inviting myself in. I shut the door behind me, sitting on the foot of his bed. 

"How are you feeling?" Zeus groaned out, scooting over so I would have more room on the bed. 

"I should be asking you that." I chuckled out, playing with the covers around his feet.

"You took a few hits from my dad." Zeus said, staring at me with concerned eyes. Almost like he himself couldn't believe it. "And survived." He finished, his eyes falling on me. His glare was a bit off-putting. I couldn't tell if it was surprise, satisfaction or appreciation in his eyes, but there was something there that made them well up with tears.

"Well, I have a strong lineage." I whispered, smiling at my father.

"I know what you all have done for me. And I'm grateful." Zeus added, poking his finger at his chest a few times.

"I mean, someone has to run Olympus. I'd make a sucky ruler." I joked, getting a laugh from Zeus. Even though I was joking, I was serious. 

"I have zero attention span." I added on, rolling my eyes with the joke.

Zeus held his hand out to me, I covered the large one with my own. Just now seeing our huge size difference. My small hand felt nice in his and he felt so warm.

"I want you to stay." Zeus prompted, my eyes widened at the statement. "Up here, forever."

"I don't know..."

"You can become a God, live forever." He added on, even thought it was tempting, I would like to die eventually.

As morbid as that sounds.

"Nah, thanks but I do eventually want to see moms again." I declined, my father squeezing my hand understandingly.

 "I'll stick around, but I don't want to be a God. I couldn't handle it anyway." I smiled, nodding my head.

"At least, let me give you a gift." Zeus smiled, sitting up shakily. I grabbed his arm and helped him lean against the headboard. Zeus snatched the nasogastric tube from his nose, wiping his eyes and sniffing loudly as he did. I stared at him in shock, concerned at how strong he was. 

Zeus moved his hand in the air, my body moving under his control. He stood me up, my feet just barely hovering off of the floor. I stared in awe and couldn't help but smile as I was moved around.

"Stay completely still. This might tingle a little bit." Zeus called. I watched as my body was enveloped in a deep golden glow, my body shaking lightly as the sparkles wrapped around me. 

"What are you-" I asked, interrupted by my body being swirled around in the air. The most fascinating thing was my cuts were slowly healing with every second of being in this glowy bubble. I listened to the squelching of my skin being molded back together and the bandages slipped off of my body and fell to the ground. My gown has risen around my waist, as I tried to push it down, and I couldn't help but laugh. I felt like Marilyn Monroe.

Welcome To A Hellish Heaven {completed}Where stories live. Discover now