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(words: 5K)

"Rise and shine, princess." Medusa called, waking me up. I was laying what appeared to be a salvaged bed. The area still wreaked of salt water, but I was dry. My skin was coated in a green paste, all the way from head to toe. My jumpsuit was peeled off of my body and replaced with a thin gown. Looking over, I saw Hermes laying in the bed beside me, still sleeping, but breathing.

I blinked the sleep from my eyes, my face being slapped lightly a few times by Medusa. She woke me up, staring down at me. I thought she was dead, since there was no sign of her in the house earlier. There was sunshine peaking through the curtains, it was probably morning.

"Medusa." I whispered, me immediately grabbing my scratchy throat. My voice sounded terrible and my throat felt like I was gargling salt water and barbed wire. I tried to sit up, being pushed down by her caring hand. "What happened?"

"You saved Hermes. And almost died your damn self, you fool." Medusa chuckled, mixing away at something with a pestle.

"How is he?" I asked her.

"Healing." She smiled, adding powders to her bowl. "He's asleep."

"How long was I out?"

"A day and a half." She told me, pulling the blinds opened. I saw that she had cleaned up most of the debris and broken furniture, creating a path for her to walk around in. I smiled to myself, Medusa took care of both of us while we were knocked out cold. We weren't even her kids, she owed us no loyalty, but she did. 

Medusa had a special place in my heart for what she did. 

"What happened here?" I asked, sitting up, flexing my legs a little. 

"Poseidon happened." Medusa said, walking over to me.

 "He and Zeus got into a heated argument and there was a tidal wave." She shrugged, putting her fingers over my eyes and closing them. I heard her walk away a little, grabbing the mortar and pestle and walking back. Medusa dumped the mixture on me, once it touched my skin, it disappeared, feeling like little kisses on my skin.

 "Hermes got slammed into the wall." Medusa said, and I felt a bit stupid, thinking Zeus was responsible for his death. I didn't trust him though, I wasn't wrong for assuming. 

Whatever Medusa poured on me, definitely helped. I felt like it was eating through the paste on my skin, it felt like bunches of kisses on me. I creaked open an eye, looking at my legs, the paste and dead skin chipped away. I ran my hand over my leg, shocked at how smooth and supple my skin was. It was free from any hair and any discoloration that was there. Whatever magic mud that Medusa made, I needed some more of that. It was better than shaving honestly, and it got rid of my charred skin from the river.

 Medusa was a genius.

  "I barricaded myself in my underground bunker." She continued, lifting me up by my wrists. I steadied myself, wobbling a bit, but standing up.

"I'm glad you're alright." I told her, draping her in a hug, Medusa seemed taken aback by my words and the hug, gasping a little in my embrace. I squeezed her tightly against me, and she wrapped her arms around me, the snakes from her hair nuzzling against me.

I wondered how long it was since she had a hug and for someone to truly love her.

"My house is ruined." She said, quickly pulling back. 

"Poseidon literally destroys everything he touches." She said softly, running her fingers through her snakes. At the mention of Poseidon, her snakes hissed angrily, glowing a little bit. Unknowingly, she turned an end table to stone. 

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