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(words: 5k)

After watching Hades leave, Zeus clamped a big arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. "Well, daughter. It's time you meet the family." He boomed, laughing heartily.

 "If you are to become an Olympian, you have to learn these things." He chortled.

"I don't wanna.." I whined, still holding the ice pack against my throbbing hand.

"Too bad. I will show you your room, once you get changed, Hermes will show you around." He laughed, taking the pack from me and leading me to the largest house, at the top of the cloudy hill. 

As we walked in silence, I stared in awe at the manor before me, mansion wasn't even the word to describe it, it was breathtaking. I heard footsteps and turned over my shoulder, seeing Hera following us quietly like a puppy. When he whooshed the door open, I could do nothing but stop and stare. Everything was crafted nicely and elegantly, white, gold and thunderbolts invaded my view.

The fact that I grew up in a little shack with my mother and now moving into a mansion so spacious, beautiful and rich pissed me off. He could have moved us in here, he no doubt had the space for it. After showing me the rooms and me practically almost falling to the floor with the sheer magnificence of it, he led me down a long hallway. I felt like I was in a dream.

When he slid open the door, my jaw dropped. 

The room was humongous, nothing like I would have ever dreamed. The large canopy bed was way bigger than any king size I had seen, the different shades of soft golden colors and pinks caught my attention. I could probably fit three of my mother's houses into this room and still have space to walk around. There was everything that a normal room should have, but in the most flawless and pristine condition. 

I walked over to the large closet and slid the handles away from each other, revealing a huge wardrobe chock full of expensive clothes, shoes, and accessories. I ran my finger over an orange poet shirt, the material was divine. I couldn't even figure out what it was made of, but it had to be something straight from Heaven's seamstresses. 

It kinda creeped me out that he even knew my bra and underwear sizes.. the thought made me shudder a bit, but I walked it off.

Somehow he knew all of my sizes, everything tailor made for me and me alone.

 I walked to the bathroom in the room, the huge shower with its many different handles, levers and buttons seemed so confusing. The shelves were lined with beauty products that I always gawked at but could never afford growing up. Everything was filled, neat and prim and perfect. There were huge makeup bags, he had everything down pact, even down to a matching foundation color. I rarely wore makeup, but this-- was amazing.

The room smelled of my two favorite scents, lavender and vanilla. I could see the incense and burning candles and I almost cried at the perfection of my new life. I felt more like a princess and less of a demigod.

I silently apologized to my mother that she never got to see this amazing sight before me. She never got to experience this and I felt like I was cheating her.

I couldn't stop gawking and touching everything, feeling the different textures of the stuff around me. I could die in this room and I would be okay with that. 

I was pulled from my bug-eyed staring with a laugh from Zeus. He was in the door frame, holding Hera against him lovingly. He smirked and nodded to the bed, me getting a running start and flopping on the bed. 

The fluffy mattress sunk with my body weight, it felt like I was laying on a cloud and it smelled of familiarity. Like the sheets that my mother would hang on the line during the summertime and letting the wind and sunshine blow through them. It smelled like my mother and of my previous life. The fact that he got this right, was bringing me to tears. Especially since I lost my mother's blanket on the way here on the chariot.

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