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(a/n: i know the gods are huge, but for story sake... we're going to make them all almost seven feet tall. So like tall, but not stupid tall for story sake.)

(words: 3.6K)

"Come here, give your old man a hug." He laughed, moving closer to me with his arms outstretched. Suddenly all the memories of mother flooded my head and my heart, blinding me with pure white hot anger.

Without doing much of any thinking, my fist balled up and collided with his sharp and chiseled jaw.

The punch did absolutely nothing to hurt him, not even moving his head. I didn't expect it to. I just wanted him to know how pissed I was.

(a/n: one thing y/n is going to do, is punch someone :) )

"You GLOWING PIECE OF SHIT! My mother and I struggled for years, scratching and scrounging for pennies to keep ourselves alive and your omnipotent ass saw it all and didn't interfere?!" I bellowed, one of the girls grabbing me by my waist and trying to pull me back, only I shrugged from her grip getting back into Zeus' face. My throat was raw from how loud I was yelling and everyone probably thought I was insane.

Hera hid behind Zeus, putting her hands on his shoulders worriedly. Zeus only stared at me with a concerned look, like I had grown three heads and kept spouting more.

(a/n: please please please all my geeky little Greek and roman legend lovers please get the ref.)

"She was sick and worked three jobs, you selfish floating bastard!" I screamed, choking back the tears threatening to fall from my tear ducts.

"She died today and now you want me to join your family? When people down there struggle? And you fools sit up here, chasing chambermaids and eating grapes?" I hollered, my voice crackling and my throat going sore very fast. I snatched from the woman holding me and stormed to what I assumed was the entrance.

Or the exit for that matter.

"I'm out of here! Leave me alone, 'Dad'!" I yelled, throwing my head back and glaring down the man who announced himself as my father and slumping right back down after bumping into someone.

"Where you storming off to, little lady?" A husky and modulated voice bounced through my head and settled through my body, sending a cool chill down my spine.

"Speechless? I do tend to render that effect." The male chuckled bending down. I looked up at him, almost afraid to pull away. My heart had dropped at the sheer unearthly, unimaginable handsomeness of this man.

He had the darkest and most mysterious bedroom eyes that I had ever seen in my life. Like two black voids sucking my soul in, and I would have given it willingly. Unlike the rest of the people I've seen this far, this man was deathly pale. He had broad shoulders and a well built frame plus this man smelled so good. The scent alone almost made my mouth water.

Even though I willed it to do so, my mouth wouldn't close and my eyes stayed glued to his. His eyes narrowed and a small smirk played on his heart shaped lips.

My eyes caught a glimpse of Zeus swooping in front of me taking him by the shoulder into a definitely one-sided hug. The man seemed almost offended by the contact, but still forced a smile at him.

"Pluto. How are things in the Underworld? This is my new daughter, Y/N." Zeus bellowed, pointing at my still shocked figure on the ground, eyes and mouth wide open, just staring at the striking specimen of a person--God--thing before me.

"Fine Jupiter. Just fine." The man he addressed as Pluto remarked back, he smoothly weaseled himself out of Zeus's grip, brushing off his shoulder tartly. With five graceful fingers outstretched towards my chest and a bit of a bend towards me, his face was now directly in mine. If I wasn't starting to drool, I wouldn't even be sure that I was breathing. His hand floated in front of me for a few seconds before that damned voice called out once again.

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