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My eyes widened when I saw Hades, Hermes unknowingly cuddling into me. He was softly snoring in my ear, signifying that he was asleep.

"I was looking for Hermes." Hades told me, staring down at me. "Charon has been handling all of the souls." He explained.

"Hermes, wake up." I called, turning around and shaking Hermes awake. The man groaned a little, obviously annoyed with being woken up. He lifted his head over my shoulder, meeting Hades black eyes squarely. 

"Hades!" He yelled, jumping up from the bed and covering his bottom half with the blanket. I sat up beside him, looking for my socks and shoes to make a quick exit. 

"Sorry, I just got back into the swing of things." Hermes chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. I found my stuff on the floor, slipping my feet into my socks, but picking my sneakers up.

"Hermes, I have to go." I told him, bending down in front of Hades, giving Hermes a small hug. "I'll see you at dinner." I smiled, pushing past Hades and walking out his front door. As much as I loved Mrs. Avra's food, I didn't want to go back into that uncomfortable house for those plates.

Walking to my house, I felt a strong but cold hand wrap around my wrist. I threw it off of me, still storming away. 

"Don't touch me!" I screamed, stomping back to my house.

"Then slow down!" Hades yelled, trying to keep up with my retreating figure. The closer he got, the more I walked faster. All of a sudden, I felt my body being held, it hovering through the air and being pressed against the side of Dionysus's house.

Hades came into my view, holding his hand out. As much as I struggled, I knew I couldn't truly get away from him. I hated when he did this.

"Get off of me." I grumbled, struggling against the invisible binds, I even dropped my shoes.

"What are you doing here with Hermes?" He questioned. The audacity this man had to even ask me something like that, especially after what happened at Demeter's house.

"Don't even act like you're jealous, I caught you with Persephone." I growled, still in the air. "You're triflin'." I said softly, rolling my eyes at the God.

"I don't even like her!" Hades screamed, letting me go and catching me in his arms. Hades held me to the wall by my shoulders, screaming in my face. 

"Persephone is a child with little girl fantasies! I need a woman! I need you, Y/N!" He told me, a small vein in his neck popping out.  "And I don't want you around another ma-" He said, stopping when we both heard small footsteps.

"....hades?" Persephone whispered, seeing us like that. She no doubt heard his harsh words and her face dropped. Her eyes welled up with tears. She put her hands over her mouth, sobbing into her hands and running off.

That fact that I couldn't run after her and console her pissed me off even more.

"See what I mean! You treat her like shit and then expect me to be with you?" I yelled, pulling Hades's cold hands off of me. 

"Why, so you can treat me like shit too?" I growled.

"Persephone is an amazing girl and she has a heart of gold." I explained, jabbing my finger into his chest.

 "She only wants love, but she's looking for something in you." I told him, mortified that she still felt something for someone so callous.

 "You liked her when your deathly dick was inside of her! Get your priorities straight and stop doing her like that." I told him, picking up my shoes and storming back to my house. I didn't even look back, but with the small puffing noise, I already knew he was gone and back to the Underworld.

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