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"Rise and shine, princess." Medusa called, I could hear her voice through my dream barrier. My body slowly woke up, prompted by Medusa's gentle hand tapping on my cheek.

 "Come on, now." She whispered, my eyes creaking open. 

"That's it." She smiled, still rousing me. I opened my eyes fully staring at the scene. We were on Olympus, in my room but it was full of Medusa's medicines and large machines. There was an IV beside my bed, the needle nestled into my forearm. There were different wires and tubes and all I could hear was Medusa's whispering and the sound of a beeping machine. It looked about mid-day and the warm sun was peaking through the curtains and warming me up.

"Did you-?" I whispered, groggily looking over to the woman. My voice was hoarse and I sounded like Batman.

"Yes. He's alive.." She smiled. My heart flooded with relief that my father and I were both alive. "But..." She whispered, unease all over her face.


 "I had to stuff your heart with ambrosia." She said, my eyes rolling with her sentiment, I hated that stuff and now it was inside of my chest. How gross.

 "All of them." She added. My siblings actually went through with the procedure too.

"I used pieces from each of you, to rebuild his heart." She started, mixing away at a powder in a bowl. "The poison is mostly out of his body. Turns out each of you were a match." She smiled, shooting me a toothy grin.

"Of course, we're an exact match. We're his kids, we all have his DNA." I said, I couldn't believe that I initially thought I would be Zeus's only match. We all had his DNA. 

I was so stupid.

"Will he...be okay?" I asked, Medusa nodding at me happily. She sat on the foot of my bed and adjusted the covers around my ankle carefully. There were a few knocks on the door and Medusa immediately jumped up, retying the blindfold around her face. She flicked her tail in the direction of her cane, pulling it to her hand.

The door slowly creaked open, my head lifting to see who was there. 

"Hello, little one." Hades crooned, touching Medusa on her shoulder as greeting.

"Hades..." I smiled, him walking over and leaning down into a hug. He looked practically healed, only sporting a few Band-Aids on his cheek and neck area.

"Did you catch Cerberus?" I asked, grateful that he let me use him for our fight. If it wasn't for Cerberus, I probably wouldn't be alive. Hades only nodded his head gracefully, his fingers toying with the blankets.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Exhausted." I laughed, stretching a little. The pain shooting up my legs and spine.

 "And really sore." I added.

"Well, you were  out for a couple of days, little one."

"Cronus....and the Hecatonchires?" I asked him, wondering if I had actually killed my grandfather.

"The ones that survived, they're back in Tartarus." Hades informed me. 

"The blade cut through him, but he's healing. In Hell." He added, I nodded my head in understanding, sighing deeply.

 "Hera too. She's down there with them." He smiled, a vein popping in his neck when he spoke of Hera. I could understand his frustration, Hera started this. I was pissed at her too. 

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