flashback: the confrontation

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"Since when could you speak with snakes, Miss Malfoy?" Professor Snape had called her into his office not long after the duel was over. Amara was nervous, for she had never been in trouble at Hogwarts before. This was a first for her. Her first thought had been of her father; what would she say if he learned of this?

"I've no idea, sir. I thought I was speaking English?" To say Amara was confused, was an understatement. How could she have not realized she was speaking another language?

"No. You were most certainly speaking parseltongue." Professor Snape confirmed, speaking firmly to Amara.

"Professor, what does this mean?" Amara held her hands on her lap, unsure of what to do.

"It means you have a gift, Miss Malfoy. A very rare gift." Professor Snape spoke, looking Amara in the eye. She knew this was serious.

The door to Professor Snape's office swung open, revealing Professor McGonagall who spoke with anxiety, "Severus, the chamber of secrets has been opened."


Several more people had become petrified, including Hermione Granger. When Amara learned of this, she was quite saddened. She liked Hermione for her wit and her intellect, also because she was a good friend of Harry's.

Draco, however, was quite pleased with Hermione's dreadful state.

"That mud blood deserved it. They all do, what disgraces." Draco spat, making Amara shiver. It both saddened and angered her to know that their father's foul wishes to muggle borns had been passed onto Draco. Amara had hoped that they would be different, but with father's prying eyes, Draco feels he must imitate his father in an attempt to be loved. As seemingly pathetic as it was, Amara knew this to be true.

"Don't do that." Amara closed her book.

"Do what?" Draco turned his attention to his sister, in shock. What was she talking about?

"Speak about muggle borns that way." Amara had a stone cold look on her face, a look that Draco remembered well. When she was set in her ways, there was no reasoning with her.

"Amara, you can't be serious? You're speaking like a blood traitor! They are not like us." Draco spoke in a loud whisper, getting closer to Amara in fear of anyone hearing her. Amara didn't care.

"Thinking that way will only separate us further. Continue down that path and the wizarding world will be extinct." Amara spoke firmly to Draco's face. She was not afraid of him, but he was a bit scared of her and the lengths she might go to prove her point.

Amara stood up and left the room.


Time had passed by quickly that semester, with the petrified remaining petrified and the scared remaining scared. However, as the time passed Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey had begun to make a potion that would un-petrify the petrified. This proved to work, as several people, including Hermione Granger had begun to wake up.

Harry Potter, of course, had found the chamber of secrets and discovered what was inside and destroyed it. However, neither Harry or Dumbledore would disclose that information.

It was once again time for the end-of-year feast.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey, whose mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified. Also, in light of recent events and as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Dumbledore announces, and all of Hogwarts stands and claps. Victorious feelings are shared all around.

Amara smiles at Draco and then looks over to the Gryffindor table and smile at Harry, who returns her smile with another smile. Draco sees this and scoffs.

"We'll talk about that later." 

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