flashback: the department of mysteries

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Harry had another vision, this time about Voldemort torturing Sirius. Harry knew that everyone had to go help him, even if they all died trying. 

As the entirety of Dumbledore's Army entered the Department of Mysteries, Amara felt the pressure as they all walked into the darkness filled with prophecies.

A man in a death eater mask approached us. We all held our wands tightly in our hands, pointing in his direction. Amara swallowed, hoping and praying it wasn't her father behind that mask.

Everyone was watching as he removed his mask. It was Lucius Malfoy. Amara wasn't shocked, as he was a known death eater. But she was mad at him and herself for believing that she could be good. 

Everyone turned to look at Amara. Lucius looked enraged, seeing his daughter with these blood traitors and muggleborns. 

"Amara? What are you doing here?" Lucius asked his daughter, but she refused to answer. She kept her wand pointed at her father.

He tried to ignore Amara and looked at Harry. Harry was holding the exact prophecy with his name written on it.

"You saw only by the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy." Lucius spoke, holding his empty hand out in front of him.

"You do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry threatened, watching Lucius closely. A laugh seemed to echo in the department. It belonged to the notorious Bellatrix Lestrange. 

Amara shuddered, she knew that if all of these death eaters saw her with these kids, they would never and could never trust her again.

Lucius continued having a conversation with Harry, but Amara was too focused on the other death eaters surrounding her more and more by the moment. She lowered her wand and decided to do something that would get her out of this hole she had dug for herself.

Amara grabbed her head in pain, as everyone turned to look at her. Her plan seemed to be working as her father rushed to her aid, as did Bellatrix. Lucius stood back up, speaking to Harry.

"I can show you everything." Lucius beckoned, clearly desperate.

"I've waited twelve years..." Harry spoke, looking down at the prophecy, and occasionally glancing at Amara, "I guess I can wait a little longer."

Bellatrix watched as they fired spells every which way, but she stayed with Amara. She knew Lord Voldemort's plan for her, she knew that Amara would be essential.

"Are you alright?" Bellatrix asked the young Malfoy girl.

"Yes," Amara spoke low enough for only her to hear, "I had to not betray Harry in front of them, so I pretended to feel ill."

"Smart girl, you are," Bellatrix laughed, "Let's get you out of here."

The Depth of Deception // H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now