xiii. the battle of hogwarts: part two

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The heat from the flames warmed Amara physically. But watching Hogwarts as it burned to the ground made her feel colder than ever. She shivered as she listened to the screams of young children, running from death like a game. This was not what she had expected to see.

Amara knew this was it. The final push. The last chance they would have at ending this war between the good and the bad. But, light and darkness is not always black and white. Amara Malfoy knew that almost better than anyone. With darkness comes death, and with death comes peace. But the price to pay for death was a stake too high.

"I love you, Harry." Amara spoke, standing beside Harry. Harry stood beside her, but didn't say anything back. It hurt Amara, but she knew that she deserved it.

It was all or nothing.





The spells rang out all around. Smashes, clashes, and spells were heard all over Hogwarts. Amara fought as many death eaters as she could, some of them shocked but some of them had suspected all along that her feelings were true. They seemed to keep coming, despite everyone putting in a great deal of effort to hurt them.

That was the key difference; the death eaters fought to kill, Hogwarts fought for freedom.

The fight continued through the night, but eased up as Voldemort drew his forces back. Nobody really knew why, but Amara did. 

Harry had finally decided to give himself over to Voldemort. Amara understood his rationale, he didn't want anyone else to die. But she couldn't let him do it.

"Harry! You can't!" Amara shouted, and Harry stopped. Amara could see that he hesitated.

"I have to, Amara. I have to do this, and then it will all be over." Harry spoke, as if he had became a different person. She didn't know what had changed, but he seemed different. As if he knew something he didn't before.

"You can't go, I won't let you." Amara tugged on his arm, but Harry couldn't look her in the eye.

"I know. But I have to do this. It's the only way..." Amara watched as he walked to the Forbidden Forest. 

What Harry didn't know, was that the young Malfoy was right behind him the entire time.


As Harry walked into the clearing, she watched as Voldemort and the death eaters smiled. It made Amara sick to her stomach, but she continued to watch.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort spoke in a low voice, "The boy who lived, came to die." Voldemort spoke, as he began to raise his wand, Amara knew it was her last chance.

"No!" Amara screamed, as she jumped in front of Harry. Harry froze, and watched as the girl stood just inches in front of him. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Amara? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, putting his hands around her face. He took the time to memorize the way her skin felt under his touch and the way her eyes twinkled when she looked at him.

"Saving the boy I love." Amara spoke, as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"You filthy traitor!" Bellatrix shouted, but Amara didn't hear her. Instead, Amara kissed Harry, not caring who was watching. She pulled him in closer, enough so she could hear his heartbeat against hers.

"Always and forever." Amara held her pinkie out and Harry met her pinkie with his, the last image in Amara Malfoy's mind being of Harry James Potter.

In that moment, Voldemort raised his wand and casted one last spell their way.


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