i. the task

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"By taking this mark you understand that you are mine. Anything I need, anything I want, you will do your very best to make it happen. You will serve me, you will answer to me and only me. Is that clear?" Voldemort asked, walking circles around Draco and Amara. 

Amara's heart was racing at an abnormal rate, her palms grew sweaty and her breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes didn't dare meet with her brother, for she knew that would give her true emotions away. Amara did well to hide her emotions, but Draco seemed to tremble with fear. 

"Yes, my Lord." Amara answered, looking at the dark wizard with a smile. If she was to do this, she would have to make it believable. Everything she would do, would have to be done with purpose. She had no room for error.

"And you, Draco?" The Dark Lord beckoned for the boy to answer. Draco sent a worried glance to his twin sister, who only nodded in response. 

"Yes, my Lord." Draco responded. Satisfied with the responses, Lord Voldemort pulled out his wand and urged for the twins to roll their sleeves up. 

With that, the Dark Lord casted the spell and Amara watched as her pale arm began to flood with a mysterious black ink. As the black ink began to take the shape of a snake, Amara fell to the cold floor of the Malfoy Manor in unspeakable pain.

She could no longer see what was going on around her, nor could she hear anything but the sound of her own screams. The pain was unbearable to her, the black ink burned through her veins and took ahold of her entire body.

When the pain finally subsided, she sat up and looked at her arm. Her once pale arm was now covered in black ink in the shape of a serpent. 

She had the Dark Mark. She was a death eater.


"Draco, you made it," The Dark Lord spoke, glancing at the young boy, "Please, join your sister. We have much to discuss." Draco gulped and walked over to the long table that sat within the Malfoy Manor. Amara took note of his uncomfortable expression.

Amara watched Draco as he sat down, her eyes laced with a dangerous mixture of fear and helplessness. Amara looked at Voldemort, watching as the man smiled at her. Amara pulled herself together and sent him the best smirk she could muster.

"Amara, my dear." Lord Voldemort spoke, his hands running over the hardwood table as he locked eyes with the young blonde girl. If she was scared, he could not tell.

"Yes, my Lord?"

"I have a task for you," Lord Voldemort spoke, a mischievous smile overtook his features. Amara kept the fake smile, but her thoughts began to run wild. What would he have her do?

"I know that you are somewhat friends with the Potter boy, is that true?" Voldemort asked the young girl. Lucius was quick to look at his daughter in shock, she was friends with a half-blood and worst of all, Harry Potter? He would have to fix that later.

"Yes, my Lord." Amara spoke, unsure if her answer would suit the powerful dark wizard. Draco looked at his sister with worry, but Amara's face remained unchanged. He wondered if she truly was dark.

"Good," Voldemort smirked, "You will gain his trust, that is imperative. Then, when the time comes, you will bring him to me." Voldemort spoke to Amara, their eyes meeting with importance. Amara was a bit confused. How was she supposed to get Harry on her side? Harry hated Draco and probably suspected Amara even more now. Not to mention, all the times she'd spent laughing with him in the library and the little butterflies she'd get in her stomach when she saw him. 

Could she really go through with this? Amara knew that she only had two options; obey Voldemort and betray Harry or die.

"Gain his trust?" Amara questioned the dark lord, but he only smiled. Her eagerness was refreshing, and he decided to elaborate on his plan. 

"Yes, Amara. You will get him to trust you, even fall in love with you, by any means necessary and you will bring him to me."

The task was clear, but Amara's conscience was not. Could she really betray Harry Potter?

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