vi. the recovery

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Amara began to wake up in the infirmary. Professors seemed to be gathered around all around her, specifically Slughorn, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. 

Amara rubbed her eyes, hoping to wake up a bit faster. She quickly adjusted to the light, as the morning sun poured into the glass windows of the infirmary.

"Good morning, Miss Malfoy," Dumbledore spoke to the young girl, "How are you feeling?" Amara rubbed her head in pain, as the voice she had heard stung her head a bit.

"Fine. My head hurts a little, but I'm fine." Amara rubbed the back of her head, checking my hand to reveal partially dried blood. She winced, watching as her hand became red. She looked back up at the professors who stood just feet in front of her.

"If you're feeling up to it, we'd like to ask you a few questions...about last night." As Dumbledore spoke calmly to her, she felt her heart begin to race. She recalled the events of last night in her head, shivering when she saw McLaggen's face flash in her mind. 

"I don't want to talk about it." Amara spoke, not daring to look at anyone in the room. Not even Snape.

"Is there anyone we can contact for you?" Madam Pomfrey came over and asked the girl. Amara went through a mental checklist. There was few people she could think of that she'd want to see.


"Draco."  Amara smiled, seeing his face as he came into the infirmary. Once he saw her, he rushed over to her bedside. 

"Amara, how're you feeling?" He asked, practically begging. Amara felt terrible as she probably interrupted whatever he was doing, just to come to see her. Even though she was his sister, she still felt bad whenever she was a disturbance to him.

"Better, now that you're here." Amara looked Draco in the eye, telling him everything he needed to know. He looked hurt, watching his sister's face turn sour. His face dropped as he leaned over to hug her, something he rarely ever did.

"It's okay, I'm here." Draco hugged her gently, she could tell he was scared to touch her. He was scared to hurt her, thinking that would only make things worse for her. 

Amara watched as he held her hand, in the same way her father had, but she had not seen him in so long and she had not had him hold her hand in ages. It was not something he did. Though McLaggen hadn't exactly succeeded in his endeavors, it still wasn't a pleasant experience.

"Please don't leave me." Amara begged him, tears falling from her eyes. It seemed at every turn, there was another obstacle. Things seemed to hit the girl one after another. She couldn't take anything else. Amara just couldn't handle it anymore.

"I won't."


"Amara, are you okay?" Harry rushed into the infirmary, red in the face and his clothes a mess. Amara shot him a worried glance as he ran towards her. As distraught and emotional as she was, she still managed to smile when she saw him.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Amara asked, sitting up slowly in the bed. Harry was quick to sit next to her.

"After last night, I was terrified to leave you here alone, but Snape sent me back to the dormitories. So, I grabbed everything this morning and came to see you." Harry spoke out of breath. Amara knew that he had probably run from the dormitories all the way here, knowing that apparition doesn't work inside of Hogwarts.

"You didn't have to." Amara spoke softly, her head still aching. Harry kissed her forehead gently, scared to hurt her. Amara smiled at his touch, for that would never scare her.

"No, I didn't. But I did it because I love you. When you hurt, I hurt." Harry grabbed her hand and placed it on his heart. Amara smiled, but gasped. Did he just?

"Did you just say I love you?" Amara asked, her eyes wide with shock. Harry laughed and began to turn red. The guilt in Amara's stomach began to rise. Oh no.

"I..." Harry looked down at his lap, "I guess I did." Harry smiled, looking at Amara with awe. This girl was all he ever needed.

"Well," Amara smirked, "I love you too, Harry." Harry beamed, holding her hand tightly in hers. The two sat quietly in a comfortable silence before Amara spoke again.

"Always and forever?" She asked him, awaiting the truth-telling response. She put her pinkie finger out, waiting for his to join. Harry laughed, and put his pinkie towards hers.

"Always and forever."

The Depth of Deception // H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now