x. the wedding

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She had made it, as difficult as it was, she had finally made it. Of all places, the Burrow was the place that the Order had decided was best for Harry. However, not everyone was as welcoming to Amara.

"Oh dear, you must be exhausted." Molly spoke to the young girl, offering her food and a warm place to stay.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Amara spoke with a genuine smile on her face, "When will Harry be back?" Amara asked the woman, as she took a bite out of the bread she had been given. After such a long day of traveling, it was nice to have a hot meal.

"Any time now." Molly spoke, and as she did, a sound echoed through the Burrow. It must have been them. Molly ran outside and so did Amara. When Amara saw Harry, she ran to him.

"Harry!" Amara shouted, running into his open arms with a smile, "Thank God you're alright! I was so worried..." She pulled away and looked at his face, which had been drenched in water. Harry smiled, and laughed at the young girl who seemed like a nervous wreak.

"I'm alright, Amara." Harry spoke, kissing the young girl on the forehead.

"What happened? Where are the others?" Molly asked Hagrid, waiting for her husband and sons to return from their mission.

"There's no one else back?" Harry asked, shocked to hear the news. 

"They were on us right from the start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance." Hagrid explained, as Amara looked at Harry, checking for any injuries. She was very good at healing charms, and knew that she would be his best bet if something happened to him.

"Well, thank goodness you two are alright." Molly smiled as best as she could, but we all could see that she was worried.  Her whole family was out there fighting.

"The death eaters were waiting for us. It was an ambush." Hagrid spoke, but was interrupted by Lupin and one of the twins.

"Quick! In to the house." Lupin shouted, carrying George's bloody head. Harry rushed over to help carry him, worried that he was dying. Amara followed after him.

"George, keep your eyes open for me." Lupin spoke, brushing some of the blood off of his face. As they sat him on the couch, Molly had brought some bandages over and began to wrap his head carefully. Everyone watched the scene in pain, knowing that this was going to be very painful for him.

"How're you feeling, Georgie?" Fred asks, running over beside his twin. Everyone watched the two speak, as Fred ran his fingers carefully through his hair.

"Saint-like." George spoke, not moving. Nobody really knew what he meant. By the look on Fred's face, he didn't either.

"I'm holy." George joked, pointing to his head. Fred and Molly exchanged a worried yet humorous glance. Only George would be able to crack bad jokes during his final hours. But, he was going to be fine, Molly reassured everyone. 

All of a sudden, Lupin attacked Harry. Amara tried to push him away, but Lupin was too strong.

"What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"  Lupin asked, holding his wand to Harry's throat. Amara put her hands over her mouth.

"Are you mad?" Harry shouted, but Lupin pushed him harder.

"What creature?" Lupin threatened.

"A grindylow!" Harry finally answered, and Lupin relaxed. Harry was still shaken up, and looked at Amara. 

Amara ran to hug him, worried for him. There's no telling how long this would go on for, but Amara knew it would be far too long.


It was the evening of Bill and Fleur's wedding. Despite everything going on, they decided to go through with it. Fleur Delacour's time as a Delacour would be over, but her time as a Weasley would only just begin.

Amara smiled, as she watched everyone enter the tent outside. She could see the beautiful white sheet that would soon play host to a lovely wedding. Amara daydreamed, thinking about how her wedding day would look. But, her guilt quickly reminded her of her current reality. 

"How's Amara Malfoy doing? What are you looking at?" Harry came around, wrapping his arms around her from the back. Amara smiled, putting her arms over his. They watched from inside as people filled up the tent.

"All of this," Amara spoke sotfly, still daydreaming a bit, "it's so beautiful." Amara watched from the upstairs window. They had almost gotten the sheet up, and had started on putting the table underneath. It was just about to start.

"You know what else is beautiful?" Harry spun the young girl around, "You." He spoke, leaning forward to kiss Amara. Amara wrapped her arms around his neck, with a big smirk on her face. Amara knew what was coming, yet she did absolutely nothing to stop it. 

Amara Malfoy was hopelessly in love with Harry James Potter.


After the wedding, chatter filled the tent. With abundant amounts of food and drinks, no one was particularly bored. Especially when a bright blue orb came flying into the middle of the tent.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming." The orb spoke, showing devastating images of the Ministry.

Amara's hand flew over her mouth in shock, as Harry pulled the girl closer to him. She looked up at him as the blue orb floated away to wherever it came from. Amara had a terrible feeling that something horrible was about to happen. And boy was she. right.

As everyone began to panic, that's when the death eaters came. In a tizzy, everyone ran rampant, knocking Amara to the floor as Harry had been pushed away. 

"Harry!" Amara screamed, but Harry had been pushed towards Hermione and Ron. He ran to Hermione and Ron, who had just then disapparated away. 

Amara decided to disapparate back to the Malfoy Manor. It was her last resort.

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