flashback: the quidditch world cup

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The Quidditch World Cup was upon us. Amara and Draco had always loved going to the Quidditch World Cup, as did Lucius. 

As they walked through the stadium in an attempt to find their seats, they cross paths with the Weasley's plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Amara gulped, knowing what was to come.

"Blimley, dad! How far up are we?" Ron Weasley spoke, out of breath as they walked up another flight of stairs. 

"Well, put it this way; if it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius commented, as Draco laughed along with him. Amara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Father, Amara, and I are in the Minister's box by personal invitation if Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco spoke proudly, but Lucius was quick to shut him down.

"Don't boast, Draco," Lucius spoke, "There's no need with these people." Lucius smirked, and began to walk away from the group. He forgot something and turned around, putting his cane on Harry's hand to stop him from moving.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you, Potter? While you can." Lucius spoke with venom, as he turned and grabbed Draco in the process. Amara didn't move, as she glanced up to the group.

"Ignore him," Amara spoke to the group, "they've just never understood the concept of true kindess." Amara didn't want to defend her family's foul behavior, but she did want to comfort the Weasleys.

"But it seems you do." Arthur Weasley spoke up, looking at the girl who seemed to be apologizing. He smiled, acknowledging that staying behind to apologize for her family seemed to be common behavior for the young girl. He hoped that she was different.

"That's kind," Amara smiled up at the man, "but I'm not so sure about that. Have a good day Mr. Weasley."

"You too," Mr. Weasley spoke to her with a smile, "And Amara?" Mr. Weasley stopped the girl as she began to walk.

"Yes?" Amara asked, seeing Harry watching her with a smile.

"Be careful." Mr. Weasley spoke, and she nodded. Harry shot her a smile and she smiled back, as she began to find her seat.

Amara sat beside Draco as the orchestra began playing and as everyone introduced the quidditch players. Lucius was on the other side of Draco and was sitting down, along with everyone else in the Minister's box. 

Amara was a bit sad, she wished she could have sat somewhere that was less political and more fun. She looked at Draco who seemed to be feeling the same way. She grabbed Draco's hand and gave him a smile, Draco returned the smile and watched the game.

The crowd was screaming, wearing the brightest shades of green and red. It vaguely reminded her of Gryffindor versus Slytherin. However, this was a match against the Irish team and the Bulgarians.

The Irish team came in with their proud colors of green and white, while the Bulgarians were sporting red and black.

The girls in the audience were screaming for the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum. Amara, however, couldn't take her eyes off of Harry Potter.

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