47 | Ashes To Ashes

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I heard the sound of the door closing even while fast asleep. Too tired to bother to investigate I kept dreaming.

Wake up. Wake up.

Wake up!

My body jerked up into a sitting position. The dream I was having quickly faded from my memory. I stare at my arms and bare the lingering sting that came from moving them.

"Shouto?" I call out in the darkroom. Not even a half-asleep mumble answered me. Suddenly frantic I pat the bed for his sleeping body and half fall off the bed to check if he's on the floor. I yell louder for him to answer me.

Nor is Shouto under the bed, in the entire room there is no sign of the Peppermint Boy. I took to banging on the door for answers. It could be in the middle of the night or noon for all I know. I do know that I banged on the door for hours. Worry fills me. They might be doing to him what they did to me.

Dread washes over me. I know they're hurting him. I sit with my back against the door. My hands bruised and throbbing. Shouto, how did you get yourself into this mess? Why did the Eightfold Cleansers kidnap the son of Endeavor? Shouldn't heroes be knocking down the front door looking for him? It's my fault he's here. If I had just kept my mouth shut, he would be safe.

"I'm so sorry" I sob.

After resting I start up the assault on my door again. Once in a while I hear someone walk by and complain about the noise. No-one stopped to answer my questions that I scream at them.

"Bring him back! I'll do anything!"

"If you've so much as touched him I swear I'll kill you!"

"Move so I can open the door." A tired muffled voice said.

"Bring back Shouto!" Standing up I let the door be unlocked and opened. I got myself ready to tackle anyone who walked in the door. If it was Chrono I'd be giving him a piece of my mind.

"Where is Shouto." My furious face meets his old gaze. I wasn't ready to see Old Man Sanso standing there.

"I asked to be the one to come get you this time." He stepped as an aide for me to exit my room. Confused by the sudden kindness I didn't retaliate with anything harsh. Sanso started walking down the hallway so I followed.

"Your eyes are blind. You refuse to believe what's in front of you. Hurry now, we are running late. Come on." Sanso walked through the maze of hallways faster. 

The hast is making me worry. What if something bad happened to Shouto? That is where he's taking me, right?

"I want to see Shouto." I tug back on my arm. Sanso could just be picking me up to bring me to another one of his Appointments. The way he's acting brings me to believe it's more than just an Appointment.

"I don't know how close you are with this Shouto person, but you must have noticed something different about him. This place, these people are trying to break you. Don't let that happen." Sanso's eyebrows arch up showing his concern. No, not just concern, I see fear written all over his tired face.

"Sanso what do you mean? Something different?" Selfishly I ask about his words pertaining to Shouto. I didn't ask about why he seems so scared.

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