5 | Tanabata Festival

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Tonight is the last night of the Tanabata festival! I have until dusk before the festival starts for real. It's called the Festival of Stars for a reason after all.

At home, I get my yukata outfit ready. It is a traditional Japanese style clothing. My yukata is creamy silk with orange blossoms hand stitched to the fabric.

It's nearing dusk, it will be the climax soon. When the moon is at its highest point is when things get exciting.

I put all the things I thought I'd need like money and lipstick in a small cream and orange silk purse that matched my obi belt.

Pinning my hair up, I briefly thought about putting on makeup. I decided it'd be a good idea and patted on peach-colored eyeshadow and framed my eyelids in a black liner. After changing into my outfit I left.

Stepping out of my taxi I looked on in wonder. The streets all the way down to the river were covered in small specks of artificial lights made to resemble brilliantly shining stars.

Other large, colorful lights hung from buildings, and bamboo plants sat along the sides of the road. Small, vibrant pieces of paper hung from each branch. To complete your wish you must toss your branch into the river.

I smiled softly at the sight; I've always enjoyed Japanese festivals.

The first thing I wanted to do was eat some delicious street food. There were so many kinds to choose from! Sweet and savory varieties. My favorites are the sweets of course.

"This is my personal favorite" the shop keeper I had been talking to gestured at something that looked especially yummy.

"I'll take it then" I paid and happily walked away with my food.

I walked with the flow of people, and, surprisingly, the street wasn't too crowded. That must have been because it's dark and a school night.

I watched a happy looking family walk past me, clearly leaving the festival. The children looked worn out but still full of excitement.

I looked away quickly, but that still didn't stop the pain in my heart from forming.

I scowled and ate the rest of my food with less enthusiasm. I have all night and it already seems like I'm going to spend it depressed. What to do...

I see a paper wishing vendor not far away. I guess it's time to make my wish.

All the different kinds of paper are here.

Paper cut into the form of nets means a wish for good luck.

Paper in the form of a purse means a wish for financial success.

Rectangular paper strips are meant for academic success.

Paper cranes stand for good health and longevity.

Paper cut into a trash net stands for the cleanliness of the home and mind.

The paper cut into a streamer stands for love and relationships.

This year marks the beginning of my high school career. I want things to change, I'm sick of being lonely. Can't I wish for love for once?

I take the streamer and I walk off, staring at it. After coming across a bench I sit down.

Focusing on my wish, I was also fighting against what I knew to be true.

As a villain, love is rarely attainable. Eventually, we all get caught and arrested. Many villains never experience true love.

I guess that's one of the reasons that makes us so hateful. Still...I want to love, even if I don't deserve it.

Someone sat down beside me with a sigh. It was a male, also donned in traditional clothing. judging from his sigh I'm not the only one who isn't fully enjoying this festival.

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