26 | Afterparty

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A heavyweight crashed into my back just as I was setting foot into my cozy apartment. My first thought was to protect the bottle of poison. If it broke then I'd be the one who would have to steam clean the alcohol from my floor.

Holding it high in the air I braced myself against the impact. I grunted and then a body fell on top of mine. Causing me to give up a string of threats.

"You're fucken lucky I didn't break this bottle. Or I'd be forcing you to steam clean my floor until it sparkled." I told the person of the ill will I was going to bestow on them.

"You're not comfortable to lay on." I recognize that voice. Dabi must have come through the portal after me. The idiot. He struggled to stand up and steady himself.

"Why did you follow me? Never mind. The door is right there, get out of my house." My words fell on deaf ears. Dabi ignored me once again and instead started looking around my small, one-bedroom apartment.

"I didn't want to stay there with that crusty fuck. He has no self-control and smells bad. Toga is most likely already dead." Dabi states nonchalantly.

Those are good reasons and I wouldn't argue with him at all if he wasn't in my house. I set my bottle down carefully on my coffee table. Leaving it there I walk back over to my intruder. Holding one finger up and pointing towards the door I open my mouth to speak but he talks over me.

"This is a really nice place you got, but it's no first-class ass-kissing mansion." He walks to the large window that I like to drink tea by.

"What would you know about mansions? Or ass-kissing?" It was mean to say but if I'm too nice then he won't want to leave.

Dabi looked off into the distance as if he was searching for something in the sprawling city below. I followed and stood beside him looking over my nice view.

"A long time ago. I left it behind, and for what? I can't get a job. My apartment is a dump." Dabi complained. I kinda felt bad for him.

I leaned back a little and looked at his complete profile. Dabi's hair sticks in all directions making it seem like he doesn't own a comb. His scars make him look terrifying like he's the killer in all of those horror franchise movies. It's not helping his scary vibes at all that he wears a dirty black trench coat that has been sewn together crudely. Plus he's really tall. It seems like the stalker type.

Everything about him just screams villain. Any sane person would call him the devil and stay far away. I myself, on the other hand, do want him to stay away, from my clean apartment.

"Being a villain is way harder than it looks. The only thing I enjoy about it is good entertainment." I don't want to know what exactly 'good entertainment' is based on the look in his fiery eyes.

I rested a hand on Dabi's draped black shoulder.

"Sad story bro." I paused, turning around I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Now go back and take responsibility for your actions. If you don't give your boss an apology, Tomura is gonna try to kill you next time you come around." My voice gave off a serious tone. If he knew what's good for him, he'd go back to the party.

Instead of taking my warning Dabi went and plopped down on my couch. I ran over to him yelling and waving my arms in exaggerated gestures.

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