4 | Hero in Training

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(A/N) ^ Hero Uniform

The second day of school arrived. It's only day two and I'm terrified of what might happen. Real school is very different from online courses and homeschooling.

"Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" The pro hero Present Mic asked in a way too loud voice. It's too early in the morning for him to be this excited. And grammar sucks!!

I'm all my morning classes it took all my willpower to sit still. Sitting still during lectures is something I've never had to do before. What makes it worse is the energy that just continues to build up inside my body.

Lunch seems alright, the food was wonderful looking. At the current moment, I happen to be sitting at an empty table eating some dang good white rice with curry.

The food is well priced too. Not that I'm worried about that. I talked All For One into paying me for doing this job.

I'd often get payed assignments from other villains that can afford to pay my hefty price. Finding and killing or apprehending a certain wanted criminal is hard. Plus the price to pay for taking a life if it's an assassination job I'm taking.

Destroying lives and killing pays more than enough to cater to all my wants and needs.

Voices catch my attention. I overhear a classmate say All Might will be teaching our hero classes in the afternoons.

So I'll see him every day.
This is nerve-racking.

Getting up, I scrape my tray and make my way back to class. Lunch wasn't over yet, I just have something I need to do be doing. I tried the door handle and it was unlocked. Opening the door, I'm thankful to see the room is empty.

I thought UA was supposed to have the top security. If that were true the school wouldn't have allowed me to be accepted. I couldn't help but smirk.

I quickly went in and closed the door behind me. It was so silent inside my footsteps sounded loud. I opened the drawers to the teacher's desk and I brought out something that looked like a script. It also had a calendar.

On the dates, it described the type of training class 1A would be doing. Today was Fight Simulation in bad handwriting. I took out my phone and snapped a picture.

On the paper in the rough writing, I noticed a date with USJ Rescue Training on it. 

The USJ is off school grounds, and only three teacher's names are written to be in attendance. This USJ training could be the break Tomura is looking for. A chance to kill All Might.

A satisfying feeling rested in me. I have the entire school year's schedule in my hands. Every event set to happen this semester and next semester is written in great detail.

Looking in the other drawers I didn't find anything else as helpful so I put everything away just as the bell rang and basically ran to my desk. Students began filing in slowly. No one spoke to me, they ignored me and talked among themselves.

Taking out my phone I looked over the calendar with calculating eyes. Then I texted it to Tomura Shigaraki.
He texted me some quick thoughts on it and I didn't answer him.

I eavesdropped on my classmate's conversations. Basically what they were saying was unimportant to me.

I know I should be making friends with these kids but I don't see that happening. My life experiences are just too different from theirs.

We're on different levels.

I about fell out of my chair when a huge man that looked like and sounded like and was All Might opened the door suddenly. My posture became rigid in my chair.

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