27 | On The line

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The next morning I awoke on my couch, alone. My apartment appeared to be empty of all but me. My sleepy gaze shifted to where Dabi had fallen asleep on the other side of my couch. Except now nothing was left to tell me that he'd ever been there in the first place.

A mild headache hung out inside my skull reminding me that I drank last night. Water and a hefty breakfast is the cure that I need. Without doing my usual morning routine I walked to my kitchen. More like stumbled, dehydration and exhaustion still had a tight hold on me.  Hash browns caught my eyes and made my stomach growl.

Once I was sitting at my small table big enough for two and my hunger being satisfied I started thinking.

Dabi is Shouto Todoroki's older brother? My mind tries to wrap itself around this new information. Sure I can believe it, but his dad is the No. 2 hero so how did Dabi end up a villain? There's a lot I still don't know about Shouto's family's past.

With my hunger satisfied and the small hangover disappearing I then finally continued with my morning. Then I realized I had a huge setback.

All over my face were things written and drawn on with a black sharpie. Things like: DABI WAS HERE across my forehead and a goatee with a matching villainous mustache.

Honestly, I deserved it. Still, it irritated me to all hell that I have to scrub it off. Even though Dabi has a unique skin condition I don't feel bad at all after he did this to me. I spent a good part of my morning scrubbing off the black inc. Then I started my day.

Before summer began I received an email from U.A. and in it was the date, time and where we are meeting up for the Summer Training Camp. But that's all. Well, of course, it says "get your parents to sign here", it's basically a parent permission slip.

It's not enough information, Tomura explicitly said he needs to know where we are training and what Pros are going. In this case, I will have to go find that out by myself. I'll be infiltrating U.A. today.

I stepped off the train with a black school bag and casual clothes on. In the bag are a few essentials like a lock picking kit. Along with a towel, bathing suit and sunblock.

That's right! I agreed to go swimming with the rest of Class 1-A. They've been trying to get me out all summer. I walked through the large front gates of the campus with ease. No one without a student or staff pass can enter the building. And if someone tries, well it's almost impossible to do.

Actually, Tomura had done it once before so it's not entirely impossible, just highly improbable.

The beginning of the year seemed to be a long time ago. The big bad secret of myself being the traitor is giving me all this stress. Sneaking and giving away classified info to the enemies. It's a high stakes game.

The hallway takes me deeper into the heart of the school. Due to it being summer break there are other no students wandering the halls other than me. I could run into a teacher though. Let's hope I'm not that unlucky today.

After a couple of hallways, I found the door that I wanted. The normal not-so-normal closet with no sign on the outside. It could be mistaken as a janitor's closet easily. However, I know it's not what it seems. The map of the school conveniently excludes this janitor's closet. It's purposefully hidden in plain sight.

I make my way casually to the door. First I tested the handle then I stuffed my lock picking tools into the key slot. After jimmying around the tools the door granted me access. Cold gusts of wind brushed past me like ghosts.

In front of me was a set of stairs that spiraled up for many floors from what I can see. It's not what I expected to see on the other side, but it's still something interesting.

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