I Hate Everything About You Ch. 16

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I've been training with Green and Red everyday for the past 2 weeks. So far, Team Rocket hasn't made an attempt to strike yet. I don't know what they're waiting for; no matter what they try, we'll always beat them. Besides, haven't they already tried to take down Sliph Co. before? This'll be easy I bet. 

As for Silver, I haven't heard what's been happening. He's allowed to have visitors, and everyone has gone and seen him, well except for me. I think it would be best if I avoid him for now. 

Dragonite has finally learned both hyper beam and dragon claw, and I've gotten better in strength and strategy. I feel ready to face them, even if I had to fight alone. Well, maybe after resting a bit. 

I sighed, laying my head back on the pillow. Finally I have time to lay down and get more sleep. Green has been waking me and Red up at 7 in the morning, but now we're finally done. 

Knock, knock, knock.

"Hey! Open up! We've got trouble outside!" Red shouted, banging on the door. I groaned in annoyance, getting up and opening the door. 

"What do you want?" I mumbled. 

"Team Rocket's making a move outside! Green's already out there fighting, so let's go!" Red started running down the hall of the center, making his way out. Now they show up? I clentched my fists, grabbing Dragonite's Pokeball and followed Red out. 

There seemed to be at least 30 grunts out here, against just the 3 of us. Green had released all of his Pokemon; Rhyperior, Charizard, Porygon-2, Scizor, Golduck, and Machamp. Red also took out all of his Pokemon; Poliwrath (Poli), Venusaur (Saur), Pikachu (Pika), Snorlax (Lax), Espeon (Vee), and Aerodactyl (Aero). While all I had was Dragonite. All the grunts went out Raticates, Haunters, Golbats, Koffings, Sevipers, ect. All those typical Pokemon grunts carry around. 

"Lets go and finish this quickly." Red said, commanding Pika to use thunderbolt, taking out a group of grunts and Pokemon.

"Right, Dragonite, dragon pulse!" Dragonite attacked, hitting another group, making a small explosion. From the smoke, a few Raticates jumped out, baring their claws. Preparing a scratch attack, I ordered Dragonite to use dragon claw to counter. Obviously dragon claw overpowered each scratch attack from the multiple Pokemon, throwing them to the ground. 

After the smoke cleared, we noticed the black ships coming with more Rockets, or taking some away? Probably both; they can't be sending all their forces here for just us three. 

"Umber! Get over here!" Green shouted, fighting the grunts besides Red. I ran over with Dragonite firing a few dragon rages to attack incoming enemies. "See the ship?" He asked once I reached him.

"What ship?" I asked with sarcasm in my tone. "What about it?" 

"We need you to board that ship, and stop it from transporting the Rockets."

"Excuse me? Why can't one of you guys do it??" 

"Because I said so, now go!" 

"Ugh, fine." I mumbled, quickly jumping on Dragonite's back. "You heard the man, Dragonite, let's go!" Dragonite nodded, taking off for the ship quickly. 

Since it wasn't that hard to notice a giant, orange dragon flying over, they already saw us coming. They had grunts on deck, launching attacks. We couldn't land without getting hit, and it would be dangerous to stay in the sky for too long; Dragonite could get tired, and he's my only Pokemon. 

"Dragonite! Dive down into the water!" Diving straight down at a high speed, we were able to make it underwater. I held my breath, slowly opening my eyes. I patted Dragonite on the back, and pointed right, so he would swim around the ship. They wouldn't know where we'd be coming from, and that would be the perfect time to strike. 

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now