I Hate Everything About You Ch. 19

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"...I love you." I said, biting my lip, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I said it. "I just wanted to say it incase if I never had another chance to say it..." I looked over to Silver. His blank eyes were widened in shock, and I could see a tint of red in his cheeks, to match his hair. His mouth was slightly opened, and he seemed to be shaking a little. Did I make him uncomfortable? Probably...

He stuttered a couple times as if he was gonna say something, but we could hear footsteps from down the hall. We all froze and listened. Surely they were headed our way. 

"Silver, I can't believe you!" Gold suddenly shouted. The redhead looked puzzled. "I can't believe you'd give up so easily and betray us!" Realization struck both me and Silver, remembering that we decided that Silver was going to join Team Rocket undercover. 

"I'm sick of staying in here helplessly. Face it, Gold, Team Rocket won this time." Silver said, playing along. "You know what they say; if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

We could hear the footsteps get closer. Judging by the uneven sound, there must be more than one. Most likely the executives. 

"What is that I hear?" A voice laughed. "We have a quitter?" Surely enough, it was the executives. They smirked, believing that Silver actually gave up.

"And the boss's son; what a score." Petrel laughed. 

"Now how can we really trust him?" Proton said, giving us a suspicious look.

"Come on, he's got Rocket blood in him; he was born to take over Team Rocket. Maybe even better than Giovanni! You can see it in his eyes; he's just as dark and cruel as his father." I looked over to Silver. Now he was looking down, his hair hiding his face. 

They put the key to the cell in the lock, turning it. With a creak, the door slid open. Without a single word spoken, Silver stood up and walked out of the prison, only glancing over to me for a split second. The executives shut the door again, and locked it. 

"Don't you wish you never gave up now, Umber?" They taunted me, walking away with Silver. 

We waited until they were gone until we spoke again. 

"So...you fell for Silver?" Gold asked.

I nodded. "Yea...don't ask why. I just kinda did." 

"Well that's good, I guess. I mean, you'll probably have a little bit of competition but--"

I stopped him. "What do you mean 'competition'?"

Gold rubbed the back of his neck. "You know how I seemed like I had a crush on Lyra, right? Well, I found out that she has this major crush on Silver..."

"Oh...so I guess you told Lyra that you liked her?"

"Actually I don't, it was probably because she reminded me of Crystal, since you know, they're sisters. And Crystal was just so busy so I couldn't go and see her..."

"They're sisters? They don't seem like it. Lyra's so annoying, while Crystal is so...not." 

Gold laughed. "I know, but they are related, believe it or not."

"So...you like Crystal, I like Silver, and Silver likes who...?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure...he insists that Blue is only a sister to him, but she's the closest one to him of us. And you should see how jealous he gets when Green is with her."

"So Silver likes Blue." 

The breeder shrugged. "Who knows..."

I sighed. Why did I even tell Silver I liked him? That probably only made things worse between me and him. I closed my eyes and, instead of Gold, I pictured Silver holding me in his lap, running his fingers through my hair...

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now