I Hate Everything About You Ch. 5

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"We're disappointed in you."

"You've made the wrong choices."

"Totodile was right; you should have listened to him."

"You're going to break his heart."

Those words tormented me throughout the night. It wasn't peaceful; I had another dr...um, nightmare. Except this time I didn't have Silver to wake me up...since Mr. 'I-can't-sleep-over-all-the-noise' has been sleeping the whole time, unfazed by my struggles in my sleep. ...And no, that doesn't mean I appreciate him waking me up! But my nightmares seem so real, so real that I've been wondering if this was my real fate. 

I looked at the clock. 2 o'clock am. This is going to be a long night, isn't it? I just laid down for what felt like the thousandth time, and closed my eyes trying to sleep.

It was all the same...my grave, Giovanni, my parents...everything. But after Feraligatr attacked me, my dream continued. I didn't have any silver eyes to glare at me when I was 'being noisey'. 

So I laid there, bruised and bleeding to death (if I was even alive to start with), looking up at Feraligatr and my parents. Feraligatr grinned; pleased with his work.

"Did you think you'd go to heaven and see us again?" They asked. "For everything you've done, Arceus has decided to send you to hell."

The ground started violently shaking, and the ground started cracking open. You'd expect fire, right? But it was pitch black. It continued opening, until finally I fell in. I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn't do anything as they watched me fall.

It was dark everywhere, but I felt a presence. I didn't move thinking that if I did then the creature would attack.

I saw bright red eyes through the darkness. 6 glowing red spikes joined it, floating in the darkness. It screeched out, the sound echoing through the darkness, sending the 6 spikes straight for me at an incredible speed.

I woke up panting and gasping for air. I looked at the clock once again...7:30 am. I didn't want to fall asleep again, so I sat up straighter. I had no idea when breakfast would come...but I wasn't even hungry anyways. I just wanted something to look forward to. 

Dratini was asleep on the floor, all curled up. Silver was on the chair (which he somehow got comfortable in) sleeping peacefully. If you didn't know the guy, you'd think he was the sweetest thing; he didn't have a scowl on his face, no frown (but no smile either) and his mouth was opened just the slightest. He wasn't an obnoxious sleeper...like people who drool everywhere or snore loudly...he was a clean and quiet sleeper. 


I've been sitting here for 2 hours, bored and tired. Now it's 9:30 am, and Dratini and Silver have been sleeping the whole time. I'm kinda jealous that I'm not granted a nice dream like them. My eyes were heavy and every now and then my head would tilt over, only with me snapping my head back up. I'd constantly hold in my yawns, knowing that everytime I would yawn, I'd just lay back down and sleep. Then I'd be tourtured again in my sleep.

After what felt like forever, the door opened with the nurse and her Chansey walking in (and their big smiles). Dratini and Silver woke up by the sound of them entering.

"Good morning." She said. "Ready to check your leg?"

"Yeah." I sat up and swung my legs over the edge. I slowly slid off the bed until my feet touched the ground, and I felt no pain, even when I put pressure on it or shifted my weight over. Well that's a relief considering that Silver is probably going to make me walk the whole way to Blackthorn with him in a day. 

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now