I Hate Everything About You Ch. 9

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To make both of our lives easier, I won't tell you everything that happened from the walk from Cherrygrove to Victory Road. It was just a long, boring walk, with very little breaks and conversations. And I'm not gonna lie, I complained a few times. 

But we're finally here. The reception gate to Victory Road. Silver just needs to be checked for all his badges, and then we're in. Well in Victory Road anyways...that's just another long walk I don't want to have to go through. 

We stepped inside the heated building, which was obviously warmer than outside. But yes, this time I got my own jacket. 

"Can't we just stop here and call it a day...?" I asked after the long silence. "We've been walking since dawn, and now its probably around dinnertime." 

"No, I gotta make it to the league before Gold or Lyra gets there..."

"We haven't seen them the whole time we were walking...maybe they're not even here yet..." But of course with my luck, Gold happened to walk through the doors at the right time...

"Hey! What a surprise to see you two here!" He said, coming over and hugging the both of us together.

"Let go, Gold!" Silver growled.

"What did I tell you about touching me, Goldie?" I said, pushing him away. 

"If I remember correctly, you said I wasn't allowed to touch you if we traveled together. And we aren't travelling together, so I can touch you all I want!" He said, a bit too loud. 

I blushed in embarrasment. "S-Shut up! That's not something you can just yell out loud!" 

Gold gave me a puzzled look, until he finally figured out what he just said. His face turned just as red as mine, and he shouted, "That's not what I meant!" 

"Just drop the subject, what do you want?" Silver asked, changing the topic for us.

"Well since we're here, why don't we battle? 3 on 3?" Gold grinned ear to ear, pulling out a Pokeball. Silver smirked, accepting the challenge. 

"Go, Ataro!" Gold sent out his Ambipom.

"Sneasel!" Silver sent out his Sneasel. "Sneasel, icy wind, then quick attack!" With the move of its arm, an icy cold breeze hit Ambipom...err, Ataro I believe his name was, causing it to use all four of its arms to sheild itself. Before recovering itself, Sneasel attacked it with quick attack, before jumping back to Silver. 

"Ataro, show 'em your new move; double hit!" Ataro ran up to Sneasel, its twin tails glowing purple.

"Sneasel, dodge it!" Sneasel avoided the first hit, which slammed into the ground so hard that the tiles cracked. The sharp claw Pokemon couldn't avoid the second hit though, getting hit in the stomach and sliding across the floor. "Sneasel, get up and use slash!" Sneasel got up, shaking off the double hit attack, and running up and slashing Ataro in the face.

A soft rumbling came from my belt, which was my Pokegear. I stepped outside of the building, into the cold, winter air. I unattached my Pokegear from my belt, looking at who was calling. 'Giovanni' was typed onto the lit screen. I hit answer and placed the phone to my ear.


"Umber, where is he?" I could practically see the scowl on his face to match the low growl he let out. Honestly, I nearly forgot about the mission I was sent on.

"Don't worry, sir, he's with me." I assured him.

"It's been weeks since I set you out on your mission, he should be here by now!"

"We're at the entrance to Victory Road. Once he beats the Elite Four, I'll get him there." I said, mumbling ",somehow," right after. 

"Beats the Elite Four?? Don't you know what that would mean?! He'd take us out in no time without even trying!" Giovanni yelled.

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now